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Continuing Review

All studies that were previously approved and that continue beyond one year must undergo continuing review once per year until inactivated. Studies with a high degree of risk may be reviewed more frequently at the IACUC’s discretion. Your original approval letter from the IACUC provides information about when your study expires and must be re-reviewed. Please submit the continuing review materials 30-60 days prior to expiration to per the submission instructions.

If your study expires before you obtain re-approval, you must halt all research activity on that protocol until approval is received or unless the IACUC determines it is in the interest of animal safety to continue.

If you have completed all research activities on a particular protocol, please inactivate that protocol.


  • Continuing Review Form, Animals
  • Signature and Assurance Form, Animals

Also attach, if applicable:

  • NIH Training Certificates for any new team members
  • Unanticipated Events, Noncompliance Form, Animals