Degree Evaluation

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What is a Degree Evaluation?

The degree evaluation system is a web-based tool designed to provide students with a view of their progress toward degree and to serve as an advising tool, to determine which classes still need to be taken to complete degree requirements. A “what-if” component is also available, which allows students to assess the impact of a change in major by applying current courses toward a new degree plan.

Degree Evaluation After 2011

To run your DegreeWorks degree evaluation, follow these steps:

  • Log in to myACU. Then click on the Banner menu option at the top left.
  • From the Main Menu select Student and Financial Aid, then Student Records.
  • Click on Degree Evaluation (updated only for catalog years 2011 and later) and your degree audit will display.

Additional Features

  • To see a list of courses for which you should register (in consultation with your advisor), click on the dropdown menu under format, then select registration checklist, then clickview.
  • To determine how classes would apply if you changed catalog year, major, minor, or concentration, click on the what if link in the left menu. Select a different catalog year, etc. and then click on process what-if. You may uncheck include in-progress classes and/or include preregistered classes if you do not wish for those to be included in the what-if analysis.
  • To review the impact of the courses you plan to take next term, click add course and process new.  The planned course(s) you entered will display on your evaluation in blue text to indicate where they would apply in your degree plan.
  • For assistance in determining how to achieve your desired graduation GPA, click on Graduation Calculator in the left menu, enter the requested information and click calculate.
  • For assistance in determining your estimated current term GPA, click on Term Calculator in the left menu, enter the requested information and click calculate.

If you have questions about anything that you see on your evaluation please contact your advisor.  If you experience trouble logging in, please contact Team55 at  325-674-5555 or

Degree Evaluation Prior to 2011

Also known as “CAPP Degree Evaluation”
To run your Degree Evaluation, follow these steps:

  • Log in to myACU. Then click on the Banner menu option at the top left.
  • From the Main Menu select Student and Financial Aid, then Student Records, then Degree Evaluation.
  • You may be asked to select the current term. If this option does not appear, simply go on to the next step.
  • Click on Generate New Evaluation (at the bottom of the screen).
  • Select the button beside the degree program you wish to evaluate (if this information is incorrect, see your advisor before proceeding).
  • Select the year you plan to graduate. Then, click on Generate Request.
  • When the evaluation is finished, the title Degree Evaluation Options will appear. Click on the button next to Detail Requirements, then click the box marked Printer Friendly Version. Then, click on the Submit button to see the evaluation. The evaluation will appear on your screen (Note: Since the Printer Friendly Version will increase the font size, not just on the printed page, but on the screen as well, we recommend checking this box every time for easier viewing and printing).
  • When you are finished, the Back to Display Options link at the bottom of the evaluation will return you to the Degree Evaluation Options menu.
  • You will also want to view the Additional Requirements option, which will tell you if you have satisfied your high school foreign language requirement. This page also lists courses that do not count toward your degree plan.
  • If you want to print either evaluation page, use the print button on the top toolbar or select File->Print from the menu on your browser.

If you have questions about your evaluation or you believe there are classes that should count as a specified requirement but do not appear, please contact your advisor.