University Access Programs

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University Access Programs are designed to assist in student access to the University’s academic, cultural and recreational activities. Each student has a unique need for services. The staff takes great care to evaluate student needs and recommend services designed to address those needs. Empowering students to choose success is what UAP is all about. It is our goal to provide the type of assistance that affords students, regardless of their background or disability, an equal opportunity to succeed in college-level studies. This mission fully embraces the overarching mission of Abilene Christian University, educating students for Christian service and leadership throughout the world.

Locate Us

Hardin Administration building

Come and See Us

We are located on the first floor, in the Hardin Administrative Building in Room 124. Our offices include the Office of International Students and Visiting Scholars, Alpha Scholars and Academic Support Programs. Student Support Services is also found on the first floor of the Hardin Administrative Building in Room 119. Testing services can be located in Room 118.

Alpha Scholars

The team in Alpha believes in our students – even when our students sometimes have difficulty believing in themselves.  We expect our students to excel, graduate and even continue academic work beyond graduation.

We are ready to serve and guide you throughout your journey at ACU. We will keep your personal struggles and disabilities confidential and we aim to provide equal opportunity for testing, note-taking and recorded lecture services.

two female students UAP landing site

What is UAP?

Our team is comprised of many talented and service-minded leaders. We are here to assist you throughout your journey. Some of the programs we offer include tutoring, academic coaching, academic and accommodated testing, and the Alpha Scholars Program.