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Submitting a Proposal

Different agencies have different requirements for how to submit a funding proposal. Some require little more than an email with the materials attached. Others, such as the federal agencies, require registration with certain submission platforms, such as  or eRA Commons. In addition, they may require that certain institutional officials be the ones who approve and submit the application. Therefore, it is important in these cases to ensure, well in advance of the application due date, that the appropriate individuals are registered on the site and prepared to submit the application. If you have any questions about how to submit your application for funding, please contact the ORSP office.

External Budget Template

Extra Service Pay Approval Form

Post-award Management
The ORSP office will assist you with your post-award management. If you receive notification that you have been granted a funding award, please contact the ORSP office immediately so that the proper financial accounts can be set up. In addition, ORSP can assist you with budgeting and accounting issues, annual reports, or project close-out.

Expense Documentation Template

Time and Effort Reporting
Abilene Christian University (ACU) monitors and documents efforts expended on externally funded projects, whether federal or non-federal in source, in compliance with “The Uniform Guidance” (2 CFR 200) requirements. All project directors and principal investigators for such projects (“PD/PIs”) are required to certify both their effort and that of other persons active on such projects led or supervised by PD/PIs. Effort reporting is required for all externally funded projects, whether federal or non-federal in source, following each academic semester (fall, spring, and summer). Reports must be signed and submitted to ORSP by the 15th of the month following the end of the reporting period (February 15, June 15, and September 15).

Time and Effort Reporting Policy and Form