Research and Tools

Main Content

Citation Help

For citation instruction, tips, and resources, see the library’s Citation Style Help Guide.

You can also get help with citations by visiting the Research Desk on the second floor of the library or contacting a research librarian by online form, chat, text, phone, or email.

Zotero is a digital tool to help you organize your resources and citations. Zotero is installed on all library computers and can be installed on personal computers. For installation instructions and other tips, see our Zotero Guide. Additional Zotero help and classroom instruction on Zotero is available by appointment through the Scholars Lab by emailing

Contact Us

221 Brown Library
ACU Box 29208
Abilene, TX 79699
Ph: 325-674-2344

Regular Hours

Sunday: 2:00pm-Midnight
Monday-Thursday: 7:30am-Midnight
Friday: 7:30am-7:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am-7:00pm