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Everything You Need to Know About ACU Online’s DNP Program

Nurses are some of the most dedicated professionals in the healthcare field, providing comfort, respite and necessary care to others. Over time, many nurses will look at their career goals and where they aspire to be in the medical profession. If you find yourself looking to advance your career, now may be the time to … Continued
an MBA and a MSM

What are the Differences Between an MBA and a MSM?

If you are looking for a way to get ahead in business and make yourself more appealing as a candidate for various positions, expanding your education may be a key to reaching your goals. Both a Master of Science in Management and a Master of Business Administration provide a way for individuals of all ages … Continued

global service

Ministering to the World with a Master of Arts in Global Service

Pursuing an online Master of Arts in Global Service helps ministry students impact the world for God’s kingdom. Christians want to live a life that pleases God. Those that feel called to a vocation of ministry and serving others want to know the best ways to help those around them. They want to know more … Continued


Why Certificate Programs Have Skyrocketed in Popularity

A generation ago, getting a bachelor’s degree was considered the ultimate goal in secondary education. Gaining stable employment required a four-year degree, and those who received certificates or two-year degrees simply didn’t have the same opportunity. Yet recent statistics are showing a shift with associate’s degrees and certificates increasing in popularity. Here is a closer … Continued

difficult conversations

How to Prepare for Difficult Conversations in the Workplace

There’s nothing comfortable about having to inform a valued employee that her project performance missed the mark. Equally as tough is telling another employee that his negative attitude is creating a culture of discontent. “Handling difficult conversations well is not just a skill, it is an act of courage,” Jean-Francois Manzoni, professor of human resources … Continued


Why Get an MBA?

For students interested in earning an MBA, the prospect can be both exciting and intimidating. This degree is highly coveted within the business world, and it has almost become a requirement for nearly any management position. But what is an MBA? Why should you get one? What is an MBA? A Master of Business Administration, … Continued

Marriage and Family Therapy

What’s the Difference Between a MFT and a MSW Program?

For those who enjoy working with people and helping their community, pursuing an education in marriage and family therapy or social work offers excellent opportunities to put these desires to work. Both fields allow you to make a genuine difference in people’s lives. It’s only natural that you might have questions about the differences between … Continued

Online Grad School

How to Choose an Online Grad School that Fits Your Future Goals

Do you remember all the time you spent choosing the right college? You’ll need to be just as diligent when choosing an online grad school. The stakes are high. Not only are you making time and monetary investments, you’re doing so while trying to juggle a job and other responsibilities. You have dreams, goals, and … Continued

Graduate School

5 Strategies for Success in Graduate School

Excelling in graduate-level courses and securing your advanced degree requires you to up your undergraduate game in a big way. Graduate students are expected to have: A greater level of academic maturity High emotional intelligence Social professionalism Interpersonal respectfulness Strong research, critical thinking and writing skills For some grad students, this means adopting a few … Continued

MBA Programs

5 Myths About MBA Programs You Need to Know

A Master of Business Administration, or MBA, is one of the most misunderstood degree programs out there. In fact, the Economist once said, “The MBA is both revered and reviled.” While some people are huge advocates of the degree, others feel it is a waste of effort or a vehicle of greed. Those who support … Continued