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The Five Most Common Questions about Becoming an LMFT

A career as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) opens the door for you to make a genuine difference in people’s lives. You will have the skills needed to help people solve problems in their personal lives and relationships. You will help them cope with mental and emotional disorders as well as help people … Continued
attending college

Why Attending College is Worth It

The value of college has become one of the most hotly debated topics in recent years. With student debt ballooning to an incredible 1.6 trillion and reports of graduates putting off major life milestones such as buying a home and even getting married because of their student debt, many people have begun to question if … Continued


Six Easy Ways to Network with Your Online Classmates

Online degree programs are great for self-starters who love the flexibility and autonomy they afford. However, the downside is there’s less face-to-face contact with peers. Some online students worry that this lack of in-person networking will affect their ability to cultivate the professional relationships so vital to post-graduation career success. Professional connections are a significant … Continued


The Top 5 Marketing Careers You Should Consider

Marketing is a field that is always in high demand. It requires solid, knowledgeable marketing professionals to help modern businesses remain successful. Yet marketing trends, and the jobs that they entail, are constantly changing. If you are considering a degree in marketing, you may find yourself wondering what potential careers would be available to you. … Continued

Soft Skills

5 Tips to Help You Sharpen Your Soft Skills

Soft skills are far more important than most people realize. From empathy to grammar, this long list of attributes might not seem like a big deal, but a lack thereof could spell trouble for your future career trajectory. Professionals who lack soft skills struggle to find work—and when they do eventually land positions within their … Continued

Christian Leader

What It Means to Be a Christian Leader in Business

No matter what you do for a living, you’ve likely been challenged on the job. When you take your faith to work, though, you’ll have the strength to make it through. Whether your career is in ministry or with a secular organization, integrating your Christian values into your position sets the stage for moral performance … Continued

workplace conflict

5 Strategies You Can Use to Help Resolve Conflicts at Work

Whenever you have a group of people working together, there can be conflict. Maybe it’s a small disagreement over a minor issue … or it could be large, direction-changing argument that challenges the ability of the group to move forward. We’re people, flawed in how we communicate and get along. A Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) … Continued


MFT Student Spotlight: Christina Haskell

“I have always liked psychology. I probably scared my mom a lot when I was in high school because I wanted to read … I was just fascinated by … it’s absolutely horrible … serial killers.” So says Christina Haskell of San Antonio, TX about her early interest in psychology. Christina is about halfway through … Continued


10 Key Qualities That Great Leaders Exemplify Every Day

It’s no secret that some people are blessed with the gift of natural leadership. But not all leaders are born; many cultivate the skill over the course of several years or even decades. Even natural leaders must work hard to hone their skills. Small choices make all the difference. As a leader, you should strive … Continued

Employee Conflict

8 Ways Great Managers Handle Employee Conflict

Workplace discord affects everyone. While every business will have its share of employees who don’t get along, if the culture of civility morphs into a culture of toxicity, productivity suffers. That means profitability suffers, too. Conflict on the job can’t be avoided, but it can be managed. And the skills required to appropriately manage a … Continued