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DNP degree

Understanding the Benefits of Earning a DNP Degree

Nurses have a number of degree programs available to them that will open up doors and qualify them for new positions. Choosing the right program is a critical step in landing their dream job. Interested nurses should carefully consider the benefits of available programs so they can choose the one that will work best for … Continued
MBA Programs

4 Myths about MBA Programs You Need to Know

Perhaps no graduate degree is surrounded in as much mystique, mythology, and misunderstanding as the MBA (Master of Business Administration). Proponents and detractors abound — or, as The Economist puts it: “The MBA is both revered and reviled.” Supporters believe MBA programs help businesses and the global marketplace grow. Critics claim that full-time, campus-based MBA … Continued

Master of Education in Higher Education

Career Options with a Master of Education in Higher Education

If you’re pursuing a Master of Education in Higher Education, you’ll graduate with a master’s degree that offers you many exciting career options. For example, the field for postsecondary education administrators is growing according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And with thousands of degree-granting postsecondary institutions located across the United States, there are thousands … Continued

Online MBA

Earning an Online MBA: Is It Worth It?

Online enrollment is on the rise at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Students in a variety of degree programs are eager to challenge themselves while maintaining full-time employment. Among management-minded individuals, online coursework can make all the difference between remaining professionally plateaued or gaining an edge via a Master of Business Administration (MBA). Accredited … Continued

graduate degree

7 Great Reasons to Go for that Online Graduate Degree

Much like the decision to marry or become a parent, enrolling in a graduate degree program is one of life’s most monumental commitments. And like those other two milestones, getting your online graduate degree can be exhilarating, exhausting, exciting, and expensive. But in the end, the rewards are plentiful. Here are seven of the best … Continued

Online Degree

Things to Consider Before Starting an Online Degree Program

There’s never been a better time to earn an online degree. Distance learning technology is constantly evolving, and most employers are very accepting of online degrees, viewing them to be just as credible as those earned in campus-based programs. While it’s hard to beat the flexibility and convenience of earning your graduate degree online, it’s … Continued

What can you do with a Master’s Degree in Higher Education?

When choosing an online master’s degree, it’s important to carefully consider your future career interests. While a master’s in Higher Education is a specialized education degree, you’ll have multiple career options to consider once you have your degree, whether you’re looking for a brand-new career or you want to advance your current career. With a … Continued

Global Service

What can I do with a degree in Global Service?

Are you curious about your Christian faith and history? Do you enjoy listening and learning from those different from you? Would you like to apply the skills of ministry and scholarship to global Christian service and leadership, becoming the hands and feet of Christ in our hurting world? The Graduate School of Theology at Abilene … Continued

Graduate Certificate

What are the Benefits of Earning a Graduate Certificate?

Graduate certificates are taking off as a great way to accelerate your career. The Washington Post reported that employees who earn a graduate certificate enjoy an estimated 25% salary increase. The job market continues to evolve, and in today’s competitive workforce getting your online grad certificate helps you distinguish yourself in your field. Even if … Continued


Take Your Leadership Skills to the Next Level: 5 Ways to Shine

There is a talent gap in leadership positions across numerous industries. According to the State of Leadership Development by Brandon Hall, a shocking 71 percent of companies do not feel confident in their leaders’ abilities to bring the business into the future. For professionals aspiring to work towards high leadership positions within their own brands, … Continued