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Newsweek America's Top Online Colleges 2024

ACU named among America’s Top Online Colleges by Newsweek

For the third consecutive year, Abilene Christian University has been named one of America’s Top Online Colleges for 2024. The award is presented by Newsweek and Statista Inc., the leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider. “ACU proudly stands among the nation’s premier online institutions,” said Dr. Stephen Johnson, chief administrative officer for ACU Dallas. … Continued
Photo of Ben Ries

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Ben Ries

“To be formed vocationally and live in our vocational identity is primarily a task of learning how to pay better attention,” said Dr. Ben Ries, associate dean for vocational formation at ACU Online. Vocational formation is about paying attention—but sometimes it seems like the entire world is conspiring to distract and prevent anybody from paying … Continued

why ACU, Abilene Christian University

Why ACU?

  Those interested in going back to school often find themselves facing an incredibly difficult decision: What school should I attend? If this question sounds familiar, we want to help you understand what sets Abilene Christian University apart from the rest, and why it might be just the school you are looking for. Trust and … Continued

Bachelor's Degree

5 Reasons a Bachelor’s Degree Makes Sense

When it comes to education, you have many options in today’s society. Trade school, associate degree programs and bachelor’s degree programs are among the top three options for those planning on going to school to learn the skills they need to pursue a career. Some people jump into career fields right out of high school, … Continued

virtual open house

5 Benefits of Attending an Open House Webinar

Determining where to pursue a degree program requires a lot of careful thought and consideration, particularly for those interested in attending online schools. Online learning presents a unique process that students should experience and understand before diving into coursework. If you’re considering an online school, here are five reasons why you should register for the … Continued


Barna Group’s Bill Denzel on Christians Connecting Calling with Career

Bill Denzel is Vice President at Barna Group and the Executive Director of the Barna Vocation Project. Barna has a multi-year vision for studying vocation and providing data-driven resources to help people discover and activate their calling. Both Denzel and David Kinnaman, Barna’s President, are passionate about the concept of vocation—what we are called to … Continued


Exploring Christians at Work: Dr. Ben Ries on the Barna Group Study

  A collaborative partnership between the Barna Group in Ventura, CA and Abilene Christian University has produced a new report titled Christians at Work. The first step in a multi-year initiative focused on vocation, this powerful study examines employed, self-identified Christians in the United States. The goal was to specifically explore vocational attitudes within the … Continued

ACU Family

What It Means to Join the ACU Family

ACU is more than a college; it’s a close-knit community of students, faculty, alumni, and staff who are passionate about learning, improving the world around them and integrating faith into their academic and professional pursuits. ACU’s staff works hard to foster a welcoming environment for students. Students, in turn, follow suit by developing close bonds … Continued

Admissions Process

Understanding the Admissions Process with ACU

The decision to enter graduate school is an exciting step forward for many people. A graduate degree can help propel their lives forward, opening doors to new careers or advancements within their chosen fields. For many students, however, the decision can also feel nerve wracking and a little overwhelming. For adults returning to school, earning … Continued