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Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Twyla Williams-Damond

Dr. Twyla Williams-Damond is not scared of life’s challenges. Known for her determination and drive in higher education, Twyla has become an inspiration to many, especially those who have experienced life’s major obstacles like family care, financial hardship, and motherhood. As a professor in ACU’s School of Educational Leadership, Twyla has gained recognition not only … Continued

5 Growing Healthcare Fields You Need to Know About

BY LOGAN CHURCH-OWENS Healthcare is the fastest growing career field in the United States, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). In their Occupational Outlook Handbook, BLS outlined their projections: “Overall employment in healthcare occupations is projected to grow 13% from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations; this increase … Continued


Why Should You Get A B.S. in Business Management?

The purpose of ACU’s online Bachelor of Science in Business Management is to produce competent and well-connected students with a robust and comprehensive foundation of knowledge and skills that they can effectively apply in the world of business and management. Sound like you? Whether you’ve taken some classes in business management or are interested in … Continued

ACU Nursing Students discussing something on a laptop

ACU launches bold five-year strategic plan

This fall Abilene Christian University launched a new strategic plan detailing bold goals and vision for the next five years, including a possible medical school, increased research investments, a $1 billion endowment, and continued growth in enrollment and diversity of students and faculty/staff. “As ACU emerges as a National University, we are in a strong … Continued


Faculty Spotlight: Pricilla Wyatt

For many people, identifying the career where they’ll feel most fulfilled is hard, difficult work. Others may never necessarily discover their vocation—their job is just a job. For some people, though, the work to which they are called is evident from the beginning. Dr. Pricilla Wyatt is one of those people. Learn how this professor … Continued


The ROI of Higher Education: Why a Graduate Degree is Worth It

We’ve all seen the headlines: countless studies addressing the ballooning cost of college and the American student loan crisis. Recently, the cost of higher education and student debt received even more attention with the unveiling of President Biden’s student debt relief plan. A lot of these conversations center around undergraduate education; but the numbers look … Continued

undergrad degree

The ROI of College: Why an Undergrad Degree is Worth It

We’ve all seen the headlines: an opinion piece in the New York Times fretting that “College May Not Be Worth It Anymore”; a 2021 report discovering that the average price tag for undergraduate education had increased by an alarming 169 percent since 1980; and countless articles and studies addressing the American student loan crisis. With … Continued


Why Registered Dietitians Should Get Their M.S. in Nutrition

Nutrition and dietetics is booming. From 2020-2030, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects there will be an average of 5,900 job openings each year for nutritionists and dietitians. This projection marks an 11% growth rate of the field in the next decade, far outpacing the average occupation growth rate of 8% growth rate. … Continued