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ACU one of 12 universities sharing $25 million from DOE

Abilene Christian University is part of a consortium of 12 universities and 12 national laboratories recently awarded $25 million over the next five years from the U.S. Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) to support the science that underlies its nuclear security and nonproliferation missions. Led by the Georgia Institute of Technology, the … Continued

ACU launches American Nuclear Society student chapter

The American Nuclear Society officially approved the establishment of a student section at Abilene Christian University. ACU is one of 54 U.S. colleges and universities to have an ANS student chapter.  The organization’s purpose is to communicate to the student body about current developments relative to ACU’s Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Laboratory (NEXT Lab) and … Continued

Dillard Science and Engineering Research Center

NRC construction permit issuance expected in September

This week the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) announced it will complete the safety assessment and construction permit issuance for the Natura Resources-funded Molten Salt Research Reactor (MSRR) at Abilene Christian University by Sept. 30. In March, the NRC completed the environmental assessment of the Natura-funded MSRR at ACU. The reactor will be the first deployment … Continued

Dillard Science and Engineering Research Center

ACU celebrates grand opening of science, research facility

The Gayle and Max Dillard Science and Engineering Research Center (SERC) – home of Abilene Christian University’s Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Laboratory and the future home of one of the first advanced reactors in the United States – opened on Friday with more than 300 people on hand to celebrate the occasion and tour the … Continued

Natura Resources selects Zachry Nuclear Engineering to design reactor for deployment at ACU

Abilene Christian University’s Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Laboratory and Abilene-based Natura Resources have taken another step toward construction of one of the first advanced reactors in the United States. Zachry Nuclear Engineering has been selected to design the Natura Resources Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) that will be deployed on ACU’s campus. “Natura Resources is excited … Continued

Noack received a scholarship from the University Nuclear Leadership program and will be an intern at the Idaho National Laboratory this summer.

ACU Student Internship Spotlight: Carson Noack

Carson Noack, a junior engineering major from Houston, works for Abilene Christian University’s Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Laboratory during the school year, but he is spending his summer engaging in nuclear research in a different setting  – Idaho National Laboratory (INL). INL is the nation’s leading center for nuclear energy research and development. Through his … Continued


ACU Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry receives continuous grant funding

Abilene Christian University’s chemistry and biochemistry programs received a research grant from the Welch Foundation this year, marking more than 60 years of funding. This round is their highest award yet at $150,000 over the next three years. The Welch Foundation supports chemistry research in Texas, and members of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry … Continued

ACU launches $250 million campaign to foster continued success on a broader stage

Abilene Christian University launched Higher Ground, a $250 million comprehensive campaign, designed to invest in people, programs and facilities to ensure ACU can successfully compete on a larger national and international stage. Dr. Phil Schubert, ACU president, announced the public phase of the campaign April 2 at the annual President’s Circle donor event and reported … Continued


NASA Webb telescope engineer to headline Texas physics conference at ACU

Physicists, students, researchers, science teachers and even a NASA engineer will converge on the Abilene Christian University campus March 11-12 for a joint meeting of the Texas sections of three major physics professional societies: the American Association of Physics Teachers, the American Physical Society and the Society of Physics Students. Mike Menzel, the NASA mission … Continued