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Barna Group’s Bill Denzel on Christians Connecting Calling with Career

Bill Denzel is Vice President at Barna Group and the Executive Director of the Barna Vocation Project. Barna has a multi-year vision for studying vocation and providing data-driven resources to help people discover and activate their calling. Both Denzel and David Kinnaman, Barna’s President, are passionate about the concept of vocation—what we are called to … Continued

Teague: Humor, dedication, diversity are traits of ACU chancellor

This article appeared in the Lifestyle section of the Abilene Reporter-News on Sunday, Dec. 29, 1991. By Jerry Reed Bill Teague’s odyssey from boyhood hometown to the town he calls home can be measured in distances far greater than the 175 road miles between Nocona and Abilene. Between the time Billy Jack Teague left Nocona to … Continued


Student Spotlight: Leticia Ingram

To say that ACU alumna Leticia Ingram is a passionate advocate for education is the understatement of the year. In fact, this 2016 Colorado Teacher of the Year is one of just two teachers participating in The Aspen Institute National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development. The prestigious panel includes three governors, 28 researchers, … Continued

DNP degree

Understanding the Benefits of Earning a DNP Degree

Nurses have a number of degree programs available to them that will open up doors and qualify them for new positions. Choosing the right program is a critical step in landing their dream job. Interested nurses should carefully consider the benefits of available programs so they can choose the one that will work best for … Continued

Dr. Justin Velten (left) and Dr. Carley Dodd

Alumnus, professor emeritus launch cross-cultural assessment tools

So, you think you’re ready to live and work in eastern Europe for a few years or maybe serve as a missionary in Rwanda. What about your spouse and children? Are they as excited about the prospect as you are? Ever wonder if those emotions are just wanderlust setting in or perhaps a false sense … Continued

Career move fulfills promise Johnson made to himself while at ACU

“Following your passion and being committed to your passion will be challenging, but it will be more rewarding than you can ever believe.”   These words are what present-day Terry Johnson (’02) would tell college-age Terry, as he navigated his career path and ultimately discovered God’s calling on his life. Terry knew he wanted to … Continued

Online MBA

Earning an Online MBA: Is It Worth It?

Online enrollment is on the rise at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Students in a variety of degree programs are eager to challenge themselves while maintaining full-time employment. Among management-minded individuals, online coursework can make all the difference between remaining professionally plateaued or gaining an edge via a Master of Business Administration (MBA). Accredited … Continued

Admissions Process

Understanding the Admissions Process with ACU

The decision to enter graduate school is an exciting step forward for many people. A graduate degree can help propel their lives forward, opening doors to new careers or advancements within their chosen fields. For many students, however, the decision can also feel nerve wracking and a little overwhelming. For adults returning to school, earning … Continued

Megan Winn

Student Spotlight: Megan Winn

Megan Winn (née Miller) currently acts as Student Service Operations Administrator for ACU Online, a new position that was created in August 2017. She first joined the University in May 2015 as a Student Service Advisor, within months of graduating from ACU Online with a Master of Education in Higher Education with a Student Services … Continued

Mark Thompson

Student Spotlight: Colonel Mark Thompson

Recently Colonel Mark Thompson, U.S. Army, celebrated a proud parent moment as his youngest daughter, Gabby, walked across the commencement stage to accept her undergraduate degree in Communications from Abilene Christian University. Then, he got ready to get his degree. Later that day, he received his fourth degree, a Master’s of Business Administration from  ACU’s … Continued