Category: Student Experience
ACU offices collaborating to create Multicultural Week
For the first time at Abilene Christian University, the Office of International Students and Visiting Scholars and the Office of Multicultural Affairs are collaborating to create Multicultural Week to celebrate diversity across campus. In previous years, different departments and offices have held events, such as Culture Week, but this will be the first year for … Continued
Venture Out Market back for large event at ACU
[aesop_image img=”” panorama=”off” imgwidth=”40%” alt=”Students at the Spring 2023 Venture Out Market.” align=”right” lightbox=”on” captionsrc=”custom” caption=”Students at the Spring 2023 Venture Out Market.” captionposition=”right” revealfx=”off” overlay_revealfx=”off”] The Venture Out Market is back for students in the College of Business Administration at Abilene Christian University to showcase their student-run businesses from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. … Continued
ACU Admissions launches new podcast
The Abilene Christian University Admissions office launched a new podcast – “Welcome to ACU: Stories from Wildcats Around the World” – to help introduce prospective students to the university. The first episode was released Nov. 1. [aesop_image img=”” panorama=”off” imgwidth=”40%” alt=”Allysa Wiley, sophomore psychology major from Spring, and Ben Mercer, junior social work major from … Continued
ACU launches Holy Sexuality Week series
Abilene Christian University is launching Holy Sexuality Week Nov. 6-10, a series cultivating discussion and biblically-guided teachings on relationships and sexuality featuring special guest speakers. The series will bring the campus together for an intentional focus on what the Bible teaches about human sexuality, marriage and relationships. During the week, all students are encouraged to … Continued
ACU’s 31st Ethnos featuring record number of acts
Abilene Christian University’s Ethnos performance is back for its 31st year of production at 7 p.m. on Nov. 3-4 at Boone Family Theatre with a show theme of Echoes. [aesop_image img=”” panorama=”off” imgwidth=”40%” credit=”Paul White Photography” alt=”A student speaks at last years’ Ethnos culture show. ” align=”right” lightbox=”on” captionsrc=”custom” caption=”A student speaks at … Continued
ACU Halbert Center hosts annual Missions Week
The Halbert Center for Missions and Global Service highlighted ways for students to serve others and share the gospel both locally and around the world during Missions Week last week at Abilene Christian University. The week’s events included Philanthropy Game Night, a non-profit fair, a prayer night and a launch party for Worldwide … Continued
ACU Student Internship Spotlight: Holly Reichling, Nouwen Craft and Gabriella Lopez
Three Abilene Christian University students completed internships for the TV production The Chosen over the past two summers and acquired new connections as well as tangible skills for their future careers. Holly Reichling, senior multimedia major from San Antonio, was a production intern for The Chosen at the set in Utah this summer. Reichling started … Continued
U.S. News highlights ACU’s nationally ranked student experience for fifth year in a row
For the fifth consecutive year, the student experience at Abilene Christian University, both in and out of the classroom, was ranked as one of the nation’s best in the 2024 U.S. News & World Report rankings released today – in the categories of Study Abroad, Learning Communities, Service Learning, First-Year Experience and Senior Capstone. Overall, … Continued
ACU’s fall enrollment tops 6,000
Abilene Christian University welcomes more than 6,000 students this fall, marking the university’s sixth consecutive year of record enrollment. The enrollment of 6,219 reflects an increase of 4.6% over last year and more than 19% over the past five years. This fall’s record enrollment includes 1,021 new freshmen who come from every region … Continued