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Social work major finds life-changing opportunity in Oxford

Cayla Savari took an opportunity that changed her life in a personal way during the already life-changing experience of studying abroad in Oxford, England. In fall 2018, Cayla, a social work major whose home is Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, decided to take her studies abroad and experience the culture and diversity of Oxford. She took classes … Continued

Social media expertise pays off for ACU grad Ryan Cantrell

Many young men grow up dreaming of playing in the major leagues. While most do not make it, ACU alumnus Ryan Cantrell (’11) is doing the next best thing. Cantrell, a Fort Worth native who earned a degree in broadcast journalism, works for the Texas Rangers as a social media coordinator where he assists with … Continued

Social work degree leads to shift in career path for Medina

Ruben “Andy” Medina (’14 M.S.S.W.) found his social work degree to be the perfect segue into a career in the medical field. After completing his master’s degree at ACU, Medina spent two years as a medical social worker at a Level 3 trauma center in his hometown of El Paso. “The work was extremely rewarding,” he … Continued

Jessica and Elayna Bruce video screenshot

Bruce twins go their separate ways – for a good cause

      Twins Jessica and Elayna Bruce did not plan to attend ACU. They wanted to “break the trend” in their family of ACU alumni. But with their sights set on missions and studying abroad, ACU won them over, and they are glad it did. The strength and tenacity of their older brother Jackson, … Continued

Nursing, premed students find inspiration in helping with medical missions

Sometimes students get more than they bargained for when participating in medical mission trips to other countries. In fact, the experience may be so profound that they end up changing their major or become committed to making medical missions a part of their future. Dr. Cynthia Powell (’81), associate professor of chemistry and director of … Continued