Author: brian
Wildcats have a few stories to tell at Children’s Art and Literacy Festival
Once upon a time – on May 21, 2015, to be exact – the 84th Legislature of the State of Texas designated Abilene as the official Storybook Capital of America. This week’s Children’s Art and Literacy Festival, or CALF, is one of the reasons why, and Abilene Christian University characters are playing their part to … Continued
Wildcats, Rangers fans gather for ACU Night at the Ballpark
Nearly 900 Abilene Christian University and Texas Rangers fans turned out last night for the annual Arlington version of ACU Night at the Ballpark. The home team rallied big in the ninth inning but fell short, 12-11, against the visiting Baltimore Orioles. Men’s basketball coach Joe Golding (’99) threw the game’s ceremonial first pitch (see … Continued

Leap of faith, mom’s encouragement took Gonzalez on ‘impossible’ journey
Sam Gonzalez (’93) remembers clearly the words he spoke when Bible professor Carl Spain called, inviting Sam to enroll at ACU. That would be impossible, Sam said, because his family didn’t have the money. But Sam also remembers the words his mother spoke when Sam told her the gist of the conversation. “You’re … Continued
Social work degree leads to shift in career path for Medina
Ruben “Andy” Medina (’14 M.S.S.W.) found his social work degree to be the perfect segue into a career in the medical field. After completing his master’s degree at ACU, Medina spent two years as a medical social worker at a Level 3 trauma center in his hometown of El Paso. “The work was extremely rewarding,” … Continued
Bruce twins go their separate ways – for a good cause
Twins Jessica and Elayna Bruce did not plan to attend ACU. They wanted to “break the trend” in their family of ACU alumni. But with their sights set on missions and studying abroad, ACU won them over, and they are glad it did. The strength and tenacity of their older brother Jackson, who has autism, … Continued
Criminal justice professor featured on crime documentary
Bob Delony didn’t need any more credentials to earn the respect of the students in his criminal justice classes at ACU, but he got them anyway. His students weren’t prepared for what they were about to see one day in class when Delony directed their eyes to the projection screen. Soon, a new episode of … Continued
ACU is the first institution in Texas to be designated an Adobe Creative Campus
Abilene Christian University has been recognized as an Adobe Creative Campus, based on a strong commitment to digital literacy in higher education and providing valued thought leadership with Adobe. “We are committed to preparing students with skills for the future,” said Dr. John B. Weaver, dean of Brown Library at ACU. “We believe that knowledge … Continued
Dalton receives Fulbright award to teach in Malaysia
Applying for a Fulbright Scholar Award, much less getting it, wasn’t on Mackenzie Dalton’s mind when she enrolled at ACU as a freshman. Then she met Dr. Jason Morris, dean of the university’s Honors College. He mentioned the opportunity and convinced her to apply. Mackenzie, who is from Little Rock, Arkansas, is an accounting major … Continued
Jirik receives Fulbright award to teach in Colombia
Angela Jirik doesn’t know exactly where’s she going yet and may not know until she touches down in Colombia in late July. The South American country is definite but beyond that, the details are sketchy for one of ACU’s latest recipients of a Fulbright Scholar Award, given by the U.S. Department of State. “The … Continued