Author: brian

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ACU extends Cenergistic energy conservation program through 2022
Abilene Christian University has renewed and expanded its energy conservation plan with Cenergistic, an energy conservation company with headquarters in Dallas. The university expects continued future success in both utility cost savings and reduction in energy and utility usage on campus. The program originally began in January 2014 when ACU identified goals of achieving … Continued
Barna, ACU partner in research on how faith impacts the workplace
You might expect most people of faith to see being a “pastor” or “missionary” as the most sacred job a person could hold. However, new Barna Group research exploring how Christians approach their work found that, when asked if it’s better to be in ministry or to simply represent one’s faith well at work, … Continued
Alumnus takes break from ‘Hamilton’ tour to perform at ACU Theatre’s Lights Up!
[aesop_image img=”https://mllcnzvqahci.i.optimole.com/cb:a79E.7a2e/w:auto/h:auto/q:mauto/f:best/https://www.acu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/eean-horizontal.jpg” panorama=”off” imgwidth=”100%” credit=”Photos courtesy of Eean Cochran” alt=”Eean Cochran will return to Abilene Sept. 21 to perform a one-man show, "Your Shot with Eean Cochran," for the annual Lights Up! event to raise funds for the Department of Theatre. ” align=”center” lightbox=”on” caption=”Eean Cochran will return to Abilene Sept. 21 to perform … Continued
Entrepreneurial sisters grow consignment sale after Springboard win
For eight years, sisters Summer (Pierson ’99) Walters and Kate (Pierson ’03) Stover have built their company on the idea of “Reduce. Reuse. Resell.” My Sister’s House, a pop-up consignment sale hosted by the two Wildcats with a passion for giving, got a running start by winning the Springboard Idea Challenge sponsored by ACU’s Griggs … Continued
ACU named one of nation’s top universities for 2019
Abilene Christian University was again recognized by U.S. News & World Report in its 2019 annual “Best Colleges” rankings released Monday. Overall, ACU ranked No. 21 among 95 top-tier regional universities across 15 states in the West. ACU was named No. 4 in “Most Innovative Schools” in the West, a category U.S. News added four … Continued
Alumnus, professor emeritus launch cross-cultural assessment tools
So, you think you’re ready to live and work in eastern Europe for a few years or maybe serve as a missionary in Rwanda. What about your spouse and children? Are they as excited about the prospect as you are? Ever wonder if those emotions are just wanderlust setting in or perhaps a false … Continued
Bible professor finds healing, answers through solitude
A young Jerry Taylor spent a lot of time wrestling with the same question over and over, “Why me?” An older Dr. Jerry Taylor finally got his answer. “I now understand why,” he said, sitting in his office in ACU’s Biblical Studies Building. Taylor discovered his “why” through years of questioning – and listening. … Continued
ACU announces new Carl Spain Center on Race Studies and Spiritual Action
The man who delivered the most explosive lecture ever heard on the Abilene Christian University campus will be honored in September with the opening of the Carl Spain Center on Race Studies and Spiritual Action. With a formal opening and ribbon cutting on Sept. 18, the center will carry Dr. Carl Spain’s name … Continued