Tag: master of business administration

Calculating the ROI of an MBA: Is the Prestigious Degree Worth the Investment?
When it comes to success in the business world, earning an MBA is often seen as the ticket forward. However, earning this graduate degree requires a significant investment. This degree can easily cost between $50,000 and $100,000, which can be particularly overwhelming for those still working to pay off prior student debt. To prepare to … Continued
Student Spotlight: Clay Hunt
When we connected with ACU Online grad Clay Hunt, he was vacationing with his family in Colorado. He warned us it might get rambunctious since Clay and wife Kristin have three young children: 6-year-old Stella, 3-year-old Hattie, and 2-year-old Lux. Clay was a charter student in ACU Online’s MBA program, joining in 2015 with the … Continued
What are the Differences Between an MBA and a MSM?
If you are looking for a way to get ahead in business and make yourself more appealing as a candidate for various positions, expanding your education may be a key to reaching your goals. Both a Master of Science in Management and a Master of Business Administration provide a way for individuals of all ages … Continued
Why Get an MBA?
For students interested in earning an MBA, the prospect can be both exciting and intimidating. This degree is highly coveted within the business world, and it has almost become a requirement for nearly any management position. But what is an MBA? Why should you get one? What is an MBA? A Master of Business … Continued
What It Means to Be a Christian Leader in Business
No matter what you do for a living, you’ve likely been challenged on the job. When you take your faith to work, though, you’ll have the strength to make it through. Whether your career is in ministry or with a secular organization, integrating your Christian values into your position sets the stage for moral performance … Continued
Student Spotlight: Hannah Gramling
ACU Online’s MBA in Marketing program attracts students from all walks of life. Many already enjoy successful careers but hope that their graduate degree will take them to the next level. This is certainly the case for MBA-Marketing student Hannah Gramling. A real estate agent by profession, Hannah is intent on gaining her brokerage … Continued
Must Read Blogs and Sites for MBA Students
MBA students must juggle a number of different balls to get the most out of their education. In addition to challenging graduate classes, they often have work and home responsibilities. Additionally, you understand how being current on the latest industry information can excel your education…but you do not have time to sort through the … Continued
4 Myths about MBA Programs You Need to Know
Perhaps no graduate degree is surrounded in as much mystique, mythology, and misunderstanding as the MBA (Master of Business Administration). Proponents and detractors abound — or, as The Economist puts it: “The MBA is both revered and reviled.” Supporters believe MBA programs help businesses and the global marketplace grow. Critics claim that full-time, campus-based … Continued
Earning an Online MBA: Is It Worth It?
Online enrollment is on the rise at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Students in a variety of degree programs are eager to challenge themselves while maintaining full-time employment. Among management-minded individuals, online coursework can make all the difference between remaining professionally plateaued or gaining an edge via a Master of Business Administration (MBA). … Continued