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Faculty Spotlight: Maxine Notice

Working diligently around the clock to assist her patients and manage her online classroom, Dr. Maxine Notice, assistant professor within the Marriage and Family Therapy program, has made her mark as a caring professor and licensed therapist focused on getting people to where they want to be. Whether it’s guiding them through coursework related to … Continued
emotional intelligence

Boost Organizational Success by Putting Emotional Intelligence to Work

In today’s business landscape, success is not solely determined by technical expertise or qualifications. Instead, it hinges on an ability to navigate a complex web of human interactions, making Emotional Intelligence (EI) an indispensable soft skill for boosting professional performance – personally and organizationally. Choosing ACU to upskill your workforce in EI offers the unique … Continued

mental health

Maintaining Your Mental Health During School

Mental health has become a buzzword across college campuses due to the influx of anxiety, sleep depravity, and depression leading hundreds of students to drop out of school or even commit suicide. According to experts, mental health problems affect a student’s energy level, concentration, dependability, mental ability, and optimism oftentimes hindering performance in and out … Continued

Depiction of Einstein image returns to campus

The creative impact of award-winning sculptor-painter Jack Maxwell (’78) rolls on at Abilene Christian University, where his latest – a familiar depiction of gleeful cyclist Dr. Albert Einstein – is now portrayed in two of its major science buildings. “Life is like riding a bicycle,” once said Einstein, a theoretical scientist considered one of the … Continued


Top Jobs For 2024

As 2024 gets underway, the possibilities can seem endless for those looking to make a change or new start in their career. Whether you’re looking to transition from one field to another or seeking alternative ways to get promoted at work, finding the right next job can be challenging especially as technical expertise, qualifications, and … Continued


The Insider Details of A Theology Degree

When studying theology, there are many aspects to consider that are essential. As former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt described, curiosity – one of those aspects – is considered “the most useful gift.” Theology, in simple terms, is essentially the curious study of God – who He is, what He does, how He works, and most … Continued

Barrow inducted into Sports Broadcasting Hall of Fame

As an Abilene Christian student, Lance Barrow (’77) would leave on the weekends to cover NFL games and golf tournaments with legendary broadcaster Pat Summerall, and then he would have to race back to Abilene to be back on campus for his classes on Mondays. Before he even crossed the Commencement stage, Barrow had already … Continued

Gen Z

The Entrepreneurial Spirit of Gen Z

Every generation has something they are known for. Whether it is being seen as more loyal to their employers, valuing hard work, holding a strong work ethic, or focused on freedom in the workplace, one generation holds a strong emphasis on individuality and what experts call, the entrepreneurial spirit. Generation Z or Gen Z, categorized … Continued

Second NRC official visits ACU’s NEXT Lab

The Honorable David Wright, a member of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), visited Abilene Christian University’s Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Laboratory (NEXT Lab) Dec. 6 to meet with senior leaders from ACU and Natura Resources.  Wright is the second NRC official to visit NEXT Lab; NRC chair Christopher Hanson came to ACU’s campus in … Continued

marketing manager

The Booming Job Market for Marketing Managers

Unlike some professions, marketing takes a special type of person that is not only creative but also business-oriented; completely focused on getting results and working diligently to ensure their stakeholders receive the information they need. As businesses continue to reach for new heights and profitability, the demand for solid and efficient marketing managers is increasing … Continued