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Dr. Dylan Pfeifer

NEXT Lab brings Pfeifer home to join ACU’s pioneering research program

When Dr. Dylan Pfeifer joined ACU’s NEXT Lab as a research engineer in August 2018, it was much more than just a homecoming for the Abilene native. NEXT presented Pfeifer with unique opportunities to use his skills and contribute to both ACU and important scientific research. “ACU has always been a family place for me, … Continued
Beth Daugherity earned a chemistry degree from ACU and husband Mike is an associate professor in ACU’s Department of Engineering and Physics.

Alumna finds herself involved in medical research as scientist, patient

    Beth (Hull ’01) Daugherity was vacuuming when it happened. A strange, unmistakable twinge in her ribs that crackled, like Rice Krispies in milk. Over the next several days, her discomfort grew. She couldn’t sleep on her left side and wondered if she had pneumonia even though she wasn’t coughing. An x-ray revealed a … Continued

Barna, ACU partner in research on how faith impacts the workplace

You might expect most people of faith to see being a “pastor” or “missionary” as the most sacred job a person could hold. However, new Barna Group research exploring how Christians approach their work found that, when asked if it’s better to be in ministry or to simply represent one’s faith well at work, 64 … Continued

NEXT Lab funding

NEXT Lab receives federal funding to partner with Idaho National Lab, MIT, Yale and others on research reactor

The NEXT Lab at Abilene Christian University has been awarded $150,000 in funding by the Department of Energy to partner with Idaho National Laboratory and several other universities on a new research reactor. The universities include Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale University, Colorado School of Mines, Georgia Tech University and Illinois Institute of Technology. Research … Continued

Physics students, faculty participate in landmark research

“Surprising Result Shocks Scientists Studying Spin,” the headline from a Brookhaven National Laboratory news release shouted. What isn’t surprising or shocking is that five people associated with ACU were among the authors of a paper on that scientific finding that was published in the Physical Review Letters, which, according to ACU physics professor Dr. Rusty … Continued


NEXT Lab focuses research on solving global problems

Abilene Christian is the highest-ranking university in Texas in a U.S. News and World Report benchmark focused on student success. Here is a look at some of the people and programs that make our student experience exceptional. A box of Morton’s salt sitting on a table and mention of a Crock-Pot makes visitors to ACU’s … Continued

ACU faculty professor feature in a children's book

ACU professor’s discovery highlighted in a new children’s book

A new children’s book about recently discovered mammals includes a section about a rodent species identified by an Abilene Christian University biology professor. Dr. Tom Lee, a professor in the Department of Biology at ACU; Amy Scott (’10), then a biology student at ACU; and Carlos Boada, a researcher and professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica … Continued

How to Become An Informed Citizen

In a world where phrases like “Fake News”, misinformation, and disinformation run rampant, the rise of falsified information has infiltrated nearly every part of our daily lives. Whether you’re looking for information related to the latest vaccine, political poll, celebrity news, local alerts, or even online sales, the amount of misinformation and disinformation on the … Continued

ACU’s NEXT Lab, Natura Resources complete molten salt transfer from Copenhagen Atomics

Abilene Christian University’s Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing (NEXT) Laboratory recently acquired a test batch of purified salt from Copenhagen Atomics (CA), another step toward deployment of the Natura Resources-funded Molten Salt Research Reactor. ACU is part of the Natura Resources Research Alliance – along with the Georgia Institute of Technology, Texas A&M University and The … Continued