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Steve and Linda Swinney with Dr. Brad Crisp, the dean of the College of Business Administration, for the grand opening of the Swinney Financial Markets Lab on Feb. 24, 2023.

Swinney Financial Markets Lab at ACU provides new technology, work space for students

Abilene Christian University’s new Swinney Financial Markets Lab in the Mabee Business Building celebrated a grand opening Feb. 24 with tours and a reception.  The Swinney Financial Markets Lab gives students in the College of Business Administration access to real-world information and cutting-edge technology, including a Bloomberg terminal. The 40-seat lab provides a home for … Continued

ACU names Stephen Johnson chief executive officer at ACU Dallas

Dr. Stephen Johnson has been named chief executive officer of ACU Dallas, a branch campus of Abilene Christian University. Johnson has served the university for 22 years, most recently as vice president and chief administrative officer at the Dallas campus, where he led the expansion of the university by opening the branch campus and expanding … Continued

ACU’s spring Summit to focus on the ‘Living Word’

Registration is under for the spring event of ACU’s 116th year of Summit, March 30-31, with the theme of “Living Word.” Summit’s two-day format is centered around intentional groups for those with similar interests or leadership roles, and for Spring 2023, those communities include family ministry, Hispanic ministry, preaching ministry and worship ministry. There will … Continued

Dr. Shaun Casey ('79) will be speaking about his new book about religion and politics at 7 p.m. on Feb. 16 in the Packer Forum of the Brown Library.

Casey to share insight about religion, politics

Abilene Christian University will host Dr. Shaun Casey (‘79) for a discussion of his new book, Chasing the Devil at Foggy Bottom: The Future of Religion in American Diplomacy, at 7 p.m. on Feb. 16 in the Packer Forum of the Brown Library. The event is free and open to the public. Casey’s career has … Continued

Christianity Today editor to speak at ACU webinar

  Abilene Christian University’s Baptist Studies Center and Siburt Institute for Church Ministry are jointly hosting a webinar on Feb. 13 featuring Dr. Russell Moore, the new editor in chief of Christianity Today and one of the leading public voices regarding culture and Christian ethics over the past few decades.  The event will take place … Continued

Black History Month 2023

ACU to celebrate Black History Month with speakers, activities

During the month of February, Abilene Christian University has planned guest speakers, a silent disco, special Chapel speakers, discussion groups and a variety of other student activities in honor of Black History Month. Several ACU groups collaborated to plan and host the events, including the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; the Office of Multicultural … Continued

Emily Shafter regalia

ACU graduates to walk the stage at new Moody Coliseum Friday

  Abilene Christian University will recognize 430 graduates during December Commencement on Dec. 16 in Moody Coliseum. The 7:30 p.m. ceremony will include 228 bachelor’s degrees, 144 master’s degrees and 58 doctoral degrees.  Dr. Brad East, assistant professor in the Department of Bible, Missions and Ministry and the 2022 Teacher of the Year, will give … Continued

SERC construction

ACU’s NEXT Lab construction permit application accepted for formal review by NRC

  The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has docketed Abilene Christian University’s Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Lab construction permit application, placing it under formal regulatory review. The application is the first for a new research reactor in more than 30 years and the first-ever for an advanced university research reactor.  “This is a significant achievement, and … Continued

68 Hour Volleyball logo

ACU fraternity to play 68 hour volleyball game to benefit local non-profit

The men of Gamma Sigma Phi, a fraternity at Abilene Christian University, will be playing volleyball for 68 consecutive hours, and it’s all for a good cause. The event is underway Nov. 10-13 at the Royce and Pam Money Student Recreation and Wellness Center as well as the newly renovated Moody Coliseum, and donations will … Continued