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Casey Orr (’08) | Teacher Education

When Casey Orr stepped out her front door on a cold day in December and noticed the temperature, her first thought wasn’t of the icy roads or a snow-covered car. Instead, she remembered a little girl in her third-grade class whose coat was too small. Her automatic response was to look for a coat of … Continued

Chris Monroe (’89) | College of Business Administration

If you think your fuel bill is high, meet Chris Monroe (’89). His bill is a staggering $500 million per month. Monroe, treasurer for Southwest Airlines, was featured in a CNBC report in May 2012 about his fuel-hedging efforts that have saved the airline more than $3 billion over the past decade. Southwest Airlines has … Continued

Hollie Young (’05) | Marriage and Family Studies

Children can find much to frighten them in a hospital setting – syringes, anesthesia, loud machines, strangers in white coats. Hollie (Rambo’ 05) Young, a certified child life specialist at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital, uses familiar objects to help young patients cope with their fears. Child-friendly environment Whether the child is in ER, day surgery … Continued

Rebecca Barker

Rebecca Barker (’04) | Deep In The Heart Art Foundry

Head Patineur and Conservator, Deep In The Heart Art Group As an art student at ACU, Rebecca Barker (’04) helped shape one of the campus icons, Jacob’s Dream, an almost 40-foot bronze sculpture, surrounded by weathered stones. Now Rebecca helps shape other artists’ work as head patineur and conservator of Deep In The Heart Art … Continued

Haitian graduate has big plans for his ACU education

Armed with a bachelor’s degree in biblical studies, a master of divinity, and minors in political science and business administration, Megeste Pierre (M.Div. ’18) is ready for just about anything he might be interested in. He’s interested in all those topics and has great plans for using them. Megeste, a native of Haiti, got his master … Continued

Childhood emergency with horse led to veterinary career

When Jennifer Grimes (’03) was 14, one of her family’s quarter horses was stricken with colic and required emergency surgery to save its life. That was the day she decided to become a veterinarian. The family rushed the horse to Texas A&M University’s surgical facilities and rejoiced when the surgery was successful. For Jennifer, however, … Continued

Bill and Janet Montgomery, founders of Just Mercy in Haiti

Alumni couple's nonprofit focuses on helping Haiti

Bill (’76) and Janet (Wilson ’74) Montgomery started their nonprofit, Just Mercy, in 2010 after an earthquake devastated Haiti, killing more than 200,000 people. With 1.5 million people displaced, Bill took his background in construction, mechanics, farming and gardening to the impoverished country. Since then the nonprofit has grown, and with the help of others, … Continued

Jennifer Allen, founder of Aspergers101, at a press conference.

Alumna’s autism advocacy leads to statewide initiative

All parents worry about their teens driving, but parents of children with autism face special concerns. An autistic teen pulled over for a traffic violation or involved in a car accident may not be able to make himself or herself understood and an atypical demeanor may cause concern for law officers. Jennifer (England ’85) Allen, … Continued

Aspergers101 offers help for families dealing with autism

Jennifer (England ’85) Allen has worn many hats in the world of communication since she graduated from ACU, but her current job as executive director of Aspergers101 is closest to her heart. She formed the nonprofit organization to provide resources related to high-functioning autism and Asperger’s Syndrome after learning her oldest son had the condition. … Continued