Category: Academic News

AI Research at ACU: Transforming Computer Science Education
As a high school student, Gweneth Barbre was intrigued by psychology, design and computer science and she knew she wanted to explore the interaction between people and computers. So she looked for a university with a similar research focus and opportunity. Less than a year later, as a freshman computer science major at Abilene Christian … Continued
ACU partners with Texas Tech, Natura to advance cutting-edge technology
Abilene Christian University and Texas Tech University announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Natura Resources LLC of Abilene to seek business opportunities and funding for projects related to Natura’s molten salt reactor (MSR) currently under construction on the ACU campus. The collaboration, which includes the Texas Produced Water Consortium (TxPWC) located at Texas Tech, … Continued
ACU recognized for best online bachelor’s in psychology and business programs by U.S. News & World Report
Abilene Christian University has been recognized by U.S. News & World Report as having two of the nation’s best online bachelor’s programs – in psychology and business – for 2025. The Best Online Bachelor’s Programs list highlights ACU’s online Bachelor of Science in business management program, which ranked #79 nationally and appeared on the list … Continued
ACU faculty authors honored by Christianity Today
Christianity Today’s annual book awards, announced this month, honor the recent publications of three Abilene Christian University faculty. Letters to a Future Saint, by Dr. Brad East, associate professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry, received the Award of Merit for 2024. In addition, Story, Ritual, Prophecy, Wisdom: Reading and Teaching the Bible Today, by Dr. … Continued
More than 500 students to receive degrees at ACU’s December Commencement
ACU will present 540 degrees this weekend in two Commencement ceremonies taking place at Moody Coliseum Friday and Saturday. The Friday, Dec. 13, ceremony at 7 p.m. will award 172 master’s and 63 doctoral degrees. On Saturday, Dec. 14, 305 bachelor’s degrees will be presented at 10 a.m. Both ceremonies will be livestreamed; visit … Continued
ACU names former PFSweb CEO as College of Business dean
Abilene Christian University has appointed longtime technology and business executive Mike Willoughby (’86) as dean of the College of Business Administration, effective Jan. 2, 2025. Willoughby spent 24 years at PFSweb, most recently as CEO and board director. He guided the 2,500-employee public company with up to $340 million in annual revenue through complex changes … Continued
ACU names Tech AVP Kay Tindle as new VP for research
Abilene Christian University announced the hiring of Dr. Kay Tindle as vice president for research. Tindle will begin work at ACU on Nov. 11. The vice president for research role, with a joint reporting relationship to the provost and the president, promotes and facilitates scholarship and research, strengthens external funding and strategic partnerships, and enhances … Continued
U.S. Department of Education grants $3.6 million to ACU
Abilene Christian University’s Department of Psychology has been awarded $3.6 million in research funding from the U.S. Department of Education as part of the recently announced Mental Health Service Professionals Demonstration Grant. The award is the largest federal grant ACU has received in the last 15 years. Under the leadership of Dr. Rachel Team, associate … Continued
ACU launches Big Country Conversations speaker series; Paul Begala, Karl Rove to headline inaugural event
Abilene Christian University announces a new series designed to bring speakers of national significance to Abilene for engaging discussions on global issues. The inaugural Big Country Conversations event is scheduled for Nov. 14, and features Paul Begala and Karl Rove, who will offer their unique perspectives on the election’s outcomes and implications. Begala and Rove, … Continued