‘The Most Magical Place on Earth’ is currently home base for recent Abilene Christian University graduate Maddie Rogers (’23), who is a graphic design intern for Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.

Two summers ago, Rogers was a graphic design intern at Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, to further her skills. Rogers graduated in May with a Bachelor of Science degree in graphic design and advertising and is now fulfilling her childhood dream of working at Disney.
“If you were to ask me about my dream job at any point in my life, creating for Disney has always been at the top of my list, no question about it,” Rogers said. “The fact that this dream is becoming a reality right out of college is absolutely surreal, and I couldn’t be more thankful. The Lord has given me professors and mentors that have endlessly poured into me throughout this walk and the Lord’s heart for us is so good, there’s no better way to put it.”
This past March, Rogers opened the career listings for Disney and found the application for the graphic design internship. After applying, she had an initial interview with a Disney recruiter before a second interview with the designer she will be working under. Following the two interviews, she waited two weeks before receiving a phone call on April 21 with the offer to be the graphic design intern for six months.
“I literally screamed right after I got off the phone,” Rogers said. “I couldn’t believe it in the slightest.”
Rogers is designing signage, stickers, handouts and email graphics for the Walt Disney Parks Cast Activities, Recognition and Experience Team. Her primary objective is to celebrate cast members in the most creative and unique way possible.
Each semester, graphic design and advertising majors review their work with their professors. In these meetings, students analyze their portfolio, study what other designers are up to, learn how to market themselves for the future and use design language to elevate their status in interviews. Rogers said initially she dreaded these reviews but is now grateful for the feedback and mentorship she received from her professors.
“Looking back, I cannot stress enough how vital those things were to me being a well-rounded designer and a person who can show off their personality and talk about their work with confidence,” Rogers said. “Our professors know what they’re talking about; there is a purpose for everything; and it absolutely will make you a better artist and person overall. In the words of our beloved graphic design professor Ryan Feerer (’05), ‘You’re going to have to put the work in eventually. Might as well do it now.’ ”
Learn more about the Department of Art and Design.
– Connor Mullins
Aug. 23, 2023