Tag: Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Laboratory

ACU Student Internship Spotlight: Carson Noack
Carson Noack, a junior engineering major from Houston, works for Abilene Christian University’s Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Laboratory during the school year, but he is spending his summer engaging in nuclear research in a different setting – Idaho National Laboratory (INL). INL is the nation’s leading center for nuclear energy research and development. … Continued
ACU NEXT Lab research published in Annals of Nuclear Energy
Students and faculty in the Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Laboratory at Abilene Christian University recently published their first peer-reviewed journal article, “A molten salt test loop for component and instrumentation testing,” in the Annals of Nuclear Energy. Highlights of the article include: Development of a forced-flow system for testing molten salt reactor technologies. A molten … Continued
ACU NEXT Lab students receive scholarship from the U.S. Department of Energy
Five students who are a part of the Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Laboratory at Abilene Christian University were awarded scholarships from the U.S. Department of Energy’s University Nuclear Leadership Program. Although ACU students have been awarded these scholarships in past years, this is the most scholarships ACU has received in a single cycle. Samuel Ash, … Continued