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Policies and Procedures


The ORSP serves as the clearinghouse for all academic and student services externally funded projects (grants,
contracts or cooperative agreements), whether or not they relate to research. The office also monitors areas of
regulatory compliance through avenues such as convening the Internal Review Board for human subjects and
animal research and providing a process for reporting research misconduct.

Department of Energy Interim Conflict of Interest Policy

The Department of Energy implemented an interim conflict of interest (COI) policy on December 20, 2021.
This policy harmonizes with the existing ACU COI policy, mandating investigators to disclose financial
interests at the proposal stage, annually, and within 30 days of obtaining a new significant financial interest.
The DOE interim policy further mandates investigators to undergo COI training before participating in
projects tied to any DOE financial assistance award and at least once every four years.

NSF Anti-Harassment: Reporting of Harassment and Sexual Assault

In 2018, NSF announced new Terms and Conditions (Article X) related to anti-harassment and required
reporting of certain actions related to harassment and sexual assault. These new terms were applied to all
awards beginning after October 22, 2018.
Here is ACU’s NSF-specific reporting sexual harassment policy.

ORSP Handbook