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Beth Daugherity

Alumna finds herself involved in medical research as scientist, patient

    Beth (Hull ’01) Daugherity was vacuuming when it happened. A strange, unmistakable twinge in her ribs that crackled, like Rice Krispies in milk. Over the next several days, her discomfort grew. She couldn’t sleep on her left side and wondered if she had pneumonia even though she wasn’t coughing. An x-ray revealed a … Continued

10 Questions with Duke professor Charles Holton, J.D.

  Not everyone who needs a lawyer can afford one, and sometimes their stories are the most heart-breaking: A single mother who found herself homeless and her two children placed into foster care because of a clerical error a local public housing authority refused to fix. Or an 80-year-old retired teacher who lost her apartment … Continued

Chris Field

Alumni author finds disruption is good for the soul

Caution: If you don’t want to get involved with an endeavor that might seem outlandish, maybe even risky, but for a good cause, stay away from Chris Field (’06). This is a man who has set four Guinness World Records – all involving people he got to join him – run 22 marathons, made almost … Continued

Alumnus takes break from ‘Hamilton’ tour to perform at ACU Theatre’s Lights Up!

  [aesop_image img=”” panorama=”off” imgwidth=”100%” credit=”Photos courtesy of Eean Cochran” alt=”Eean Cochran will return to Abilene Sept. 21 to perform a one-man show, "Your Shot with Eean Cochran," for the annual Lights Up! event to raise funds for the Department of Theatre. ” align=”center” lightbox=”on” caption=”Eean Cochran will return to Abilene Sept. 21 to perform … Continued

Entrepreneurial sisters grow consignment sale after Springboard win

For eight years, sisters Summer (Pierson ’99) Walters and Kate (Pierson ’03) Stover have built their company on the idea of “Reduce. Reuse. Resell.” My Sister’s House, a pop-up consignment sale hosted by the two Wildcats with a passion for giving, got a running start by winning the Springboard Idea Challenge sponsored by ACU’s Griggs … Continued

Dr. Justin Velten (left) and Dr. Carley Dodd

Alumnus, professor emeritus launch cross-cultural assessment tools

  So, you think you’re ready to live and work in eastern Europe for a few years or maybe serve as a missionary in Rwanda. What about your spouse and children? Are they as excited about the prospect as you are? Ever wonder if those emotions are just wanderlust setting in or perhaps a false … Continued

April Anthony is 2018 Outstanding Alumna of the Year

2018 Outstanding Alumna of the Year: April Anthony

Genuine. That’s the word colleagues and business associates use to describe April (Bullock ’89) Anthony, the entrepreneur who never planned to be one. Anthony has had a big year. In 2017, Encompass Home Health and Hospice, the company she founded and leads, was named No. 1 in The Dallas Morning News’ Top Places to Work … Continued

Anthony kids know their CEO-mom’s balancing act, and approve

  Working moms sometimes face unfounded assumptions about what their kids missed when business priorities beckoned. April believes that with the help of a supportive spouse and “some inherently great kids,” the Anthonys overcame those limitations. “I think the kids are actually better prepared for life as a result of the lessons they learned from … Continued

2018 Young Alumnus of the Year: Serge Gasore

  The Catholic Church where Serge Gasore (’09) saw his grandmother die, among some 5,000 others, is now a memorial site. You can visit the Ntarama Genocide Memorial Centre in Ntarama, Rwanda, and see the bones of Tutsis murdered by their Hutu neighbors, friends and family members. You can visit a place that saw such … Continued