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Dr. Rusty Towell is director of ACU's NEXT Lab.

ACU NEXT Lab receives first patent

  Abilene Christian University’s Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Laboratory, or NEXT Lab, has taken another step toward the reality of a molten salt research reactor with the approval of its first patent. The U.S. Patent and Trademark office awarded ACU the patent for a high-temperature flow meter Aug. 5, 2020, after a three-year process of … Continued

ACU hires first vice president for research

Abilene Christian University announced the hiring of Dr. Russell “Rusty” Kruzelock as its first vice president for research. He will begin work at ACU on Sept. 14. “ACU has a history of attracting and producing leaders in academic inquiry, and our past decade of remarkable growth in research has revealed the need for an experienced … Continued

ACU largest Texas university using 100% renewable energy

Abilene Christian University is now the largest college in Texas powered entirely with renewable energy, according to a new report by Environment Texas Research & Policy Center. The report ranks colleges and universities across the country in key energy sustainability metrics. More than 40 currently obtain 100% of their electricity from renewable energy sources, according … Continued

ACU breaks ground on new residence hall and Freshman Village

Abilene Christian University students began a new school year today, and a new residence hall project has launched as well, with a groundbreaking Saturday on East North 16th Street. The new facility is scheduled to open in Fall 2021 and will replace McDonald Hall, which was demolished during the summer. Construction of the residence hall … Continued

Update on fall activities: Football, Homecoming and Family Weekend

ACU president Dr. Phil Schubert sent the following message on Friday, Aug. 21, regarding fall events: Dear ACU Community, Our campus traditionally has several fall activities that bring us together to celebrate what is held dear about our community and demonstrate our Wildcat spirit. As we lean into this unique semester, we have had to … Continued

tree campus usa

Arbor Day Foundation honors ACU for tree care, conservation

  The Arbor Day Foundation recognized Abilene Christian University as a Tree Campus USA for 2019. This is the seventh year ACU has been included in the list. Tree Campus USA, a national program launched in 2008 by the Arbor Day Foundation, honors colleges and universities and their leaders for promoting healthy trees and engaging … Continued

ACU Master of Athletic Training

Master of Athletic Training program earns accreditation from CAATE

The Master of Athletic Training (M.A.T.) program at Abilene Christian University has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) for five years. ACU’s M.A.T. program is one of only eight nationwide and the only one in Texas to achieve initial accreditation under the new 2020 CAATE standards. The accreditation means graduates are eligible to … Continued

ACU NEXT Lab receives grant approval from Department of Energy

The NEXT Lab at Abilene Christian University has received a $120,000 budget renewal of the teams’ sponsored research award through Idaho National Laboratory, titled “Investigation of Instrumentation, Data Analytics, and Simulation Synergies for the Versatile Test Reactor.” This grant was initially awarded in August 2018 for $150,000 and represented the NEXT Lab’s first federal support. NEXT stands for Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing. … Continued

ACU nuclear physics group grant proposal approved by Department of Energy

The nuclear physics group at Abilene Christian University has been awarded a three-year renewal in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy. The recent extension is for $793,000, and includes funding for a post doctoral fellowship for the first time in the history of these grants. The university has sustained budget renewals since it originated in 1982. Other universities … Continued