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Nelson greatness rubs off on ACU golfers in new clubhouse

Years ago, when one of the professional golf students of the late Harvey Penick was having trouble elevating his success around the green, advice from the legendary teacher and best-selling author was short and to the point. “Eat dinner with good putters,” the late Penick told rising PGA star Tom Kite. The counsel – to … Continued

ACU names Ryan Bowman new director of Office of Multicultural Affairs

Ryan Bowman (’06), associate director of spiritual formation for Abilene Christian University, has been named director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) after a nationwide search. A graduate of Southwestern Christian College, the only historically black college associated with Churches of Christ, Bowman went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in communication and media … Continued

Study Abroad has new residential home in Oxford

The purchase of a new Study Abroad residence in Oxford, England, marks another exciting milestone in the university’s 21st-Century Vision goal of preparing students to think globally by offering valuable cross-cultural experiences. The recently renovated Victorian house, located at 163 Woodstock Rd. in Central North Oxford, will serve as housing for 26 students. It features … Continued

Willie Horton (right) and Gilbreth in 2016. (Photo by Mike Mulholland)

Gilbreth’s No. 13 baseball jersey retired by ACU

  Only the seventh uniform number to be retired in Abilene Christian University athletics history – and the first in baseball – was celebrated Saturday night, but don’t let the two digits fool you. The No. 13 jersey once worn by Bill Gilbreth (’69) was anything but unlucky to the man who wore it. Gilbreth, … Continued

ACU Remembers: Dr. Ina Green

Dr. Ina Lynch Green (’63), professor emerita of psychology at Abilene Christian University, learned the name of every student in her classes every semester, because individuals mattered. Not only her students mattered, but the poor, widows, minorities and anyone who didn’t have status. In her research and teaching she was an advocate for exceptional children. … Continued

ACU Remembers: Dr. C.G. Gray

Retired professor and administrator Dr. C.G. Gray, who was instrumental in bringing educational technology to students and professors at Abilene Christian University, died Feb. 4, 2020, at age 92, in Lubbock, Texas. A visitation with the family will be held Friday, Feb. 7 from 5-7 p.m. in the Family Room at University Church of Christ … Continued

New issue explores ACU’s growing national reputation

ACU Today’s new Fall-Winter 2020 issue is anchored by a sprawling 24-page cover story diving into “An Emerging National University,” and it begins hitting mailboxes this weekend. Dr. Cheryl Mann Bacon (’76) authors the lead story, which looks behind the scenes at the university’s intentionally strategic growth in recent years and how it dovetails with the unprecedented recognition ACU received in the … Continued

ACU students (from left) Madeline Dayton, Katey Loveless, Mafer Hernandez and Alison Zuniga are shown local dances by children in the village of Mollejones. The students were part of a Study Abroad course offered by the College of Business Administration.

Women entrepreneurs in Costa Rica benefit from ACU Study Abroad course

Abilene Christian is the highest-ranking university in Texas in a U.S. News and World Report benchmark focused on student success. Here is a look at some of the people and programs that make our student experience exceptional. The first ever Social Enterprise Consulting class traveled to Costa Rica during spring break with Dr. Laura (Cleek ’88) Phillips … Continued

nursing students

ACU nursing graduates outrank state and national NCLEX first-time test averages

For 2019, the first-time pass rate for Abilene Christian University nursing graduates taking the NCLEX test was 96.08 percent, exceeding both the state and national program averages. On Friday, the Texas Board of Nursing released first-time pass rates for eligible nursing programs in the state. This marks three years in a row for ACU’s first-time … Continued

ACU Springboard competition announces prize money to aspiring entrepreneurs

Applications for the annual Springboard competition led by ACU’s Griggs Center for Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy are due by February 15. The 2020 Springboard competition will award up to $40,000 in funding across three different award categories: Concept ($1,000 per team) – Provide entrepreneurs at the idea stage with funding and expert help to use for … Continued