Vulputate massa semper vivamus gravida pede fusce lacinia. Mauris aenean condimentum primis eros dis dui. Proin sapien neque metus senectus consequat at.

Neque magna sit cursus praesent habitant pede. Risus nostra consectetuer dapibus tristique vel finibus sagittis.

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Accommodated Testing

Click here for accommodation information related to COVID-19 issues.

If you are approved to use extended time for exams, click the link below to schedule your exam online. It’s a great idea to bookmark the site ( on your browsers so that you can go directly to the exam scheduler.

Please note that it is impossible to sign up for exams with less than 5 days notice. Alpha cannot accommodate exams that are scheduled with less than 5 days notice.

If changes to your scheduled exam day or time need to be made, contact the testing administrator at