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Student Spotlight: Aaron Maleare

Known for his soft demeanor and personal mission to make the counseling and therapy environments feel like safe spaces to talk, Aaron Maleare (‘18), an alumnus of ACU Online’s Master of Marriage and Family Therapy program, is a true testament to what is possible when you apply yourself and reach for new heights in your … Continued
Aaron Maleare

Student Spotlight: Aaron Maleare

Aaron Maleare made his first visit to ACU’s campus in May 2018 — as a participant in the graduation ceremony for his online degree program. When he began ACU Online’s Master of Marriage and Family Therapy program in August of 2015, Aaron and wife Vanessa were living in Ontario, Canada. Aaron had leveraged his Master … Continued

Going Back to School

Are You Ready to Go Back to School?

Is “getting a degree” on your New Year’s resolution list for 2020? It’s never been easier for adult learners to return to school than it is right now. Distance learning via online degree programs has made it possible for working professionals and those with families to pursue advanced degrees without travel, without room and board … Continued

Grad School

Taking the Next Steps After Applying to Grad School

Congratulations! You have made the decision to go to grad school and applied to the schools that seem the most appealing. Now all that is left is making the final decision about which school will best meet your needs. It’s time to read through that pro/con list, analyze that spreadsheet and start ranking your schools … Continued

ACU Family

What It Means to Join the ACU Family

ACU is more than a college; it’s a close-knit community of students, faculty, alumni, and staff who are passionate about learning, improving the world around them and integrating faith into their academic and professional pursuits. ACU’s staff works hard to foster a welcoming environment for students. Students, in turn, follow suit by developing close bonds … Continued


On-Campus or Online MBA Program — Which Is Right for You?

Online Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees are the most popular graduate degree programs that students pursue, according to a 2016 survey cited by U.S. News. While the traditional on-campus MBA program still appeals to many aspiring business leaders, online programs are here to stay. Weighing the pros and cons between an on-campus versus a … Continued

Online Degree

Things to Consider Before Starting an Online Degree Program

There’s never been a better time to earn an online degree. Distance learning technology is constantly evolving, and most employers are very accepting of online degrees, viewing them to be just as credible as those earned in campus-based programs. While it’s hard to beat the flexibility and convenience of earning your graduate degree online, it’s … Continued