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Abilene college presidents risk the polar plunge to raise money for Special Olympics Texas

The presidents of Abilene Christian University, Hardin-Simmons University and McMurry University are competing in a “Dunk the President” competition to raise money for Special Olympics Texas with the winner taking a “Polar Plunge” into the HSU pool at 5:30 on Feb. 23. 

Money raised toward the eventual plunge of one of the leaders – Dr. Phil Schubert of ACU, Dr. Eric Bruntmeyer of HSU or Dr. Sandra Harper of McMurry – will help Special Olympics Texas provide year-round sports training and competition, health and inclusion programs for individuals with intellectual disabilities in the Big Country. The event is sponsored by Toyota of Abilene.

Wildcats, donate here, and choose Dr. Schubert as the president you’d like to see take the plunge! 

— Connor Mullins

Jan. 25, 2023

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