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Mother-daughter duo’s latest book features Christmas decor from leading designers

Christmas by Design book cover
While many mother-daughter bonds are forces to be reckoned with, this pair has a special tie.
Patricia (Hart ’56) McMillan and Dr. Katharine Kaye McMillan (’82)  have written 14 books together, covering a variety of topics on interior design. Their newest book, Christmas By Design, was released Sept. 18 just in time for this holiday season.
Patricia worked coast-to-coast as an interior designer and writer and singly authored 15 books before joining with her daughter, Katharine. Katharine started her writing career after college in Manhattan, moved to Florida Atlantic University to obtain her doctorate in psychology, and partnered with her mother while there.
“Kat had moved back home to complete her graduate education,” Patricia said. “Her friend was an editor at a New York City publishing firm, so when the idea of writing House Comfortable occurred to us, it was Kat who suggested it to her friend.” Her friend accepted the proposal and published their first joint effort.
Patricia Hart McMillan
Patricia Hart McMillan

“Writing with Katharine has been colleague-to-colleague,” Patricia said. “I recognize her brilliance as a writer, but it is her brilliance as an editor that has been thrilling to discover. Her amiable personality makes it easy to discuss issues and angles and to arrive speedily at the needed decision. In short, working with my daughter is a joy.”

Their 14th book written together, as well as sixth Christmas book, hit the shelves in September, ready for this holiday season. In Christmas By Design, readers get a glimpse into the homes of some leading interior designers and their clients.
“Each reflects the designer’s love for the holiday that focuses on the birth of Christ,” said Katharine, “We were happy to discover that our readers love seeing these holiday-decorated homes that are usually seen only by the designer’s families and friends.”
Christmas By Design, as well as all of the McMillans’ other books, are available on Amazon.


Dr. Katharine McMillan
Dr. Katharine McMillan

Other books they have co-authored include:

  • House Comfortable
  • Sun Country Style
  • Home Decorating for Dummies
  • Home Decorating for Dummies (2nd edition)
  • Painting for Dummies
  • Designing and Living with Glass Tiles
  • Glass Tile Inspirations
  • Christmas at Historic Houses
  • Christmas at Historic Houses (2nd edition)
  • Decorating for Christmas at Historic Houses
  • Contemporary Villas
  • Old Places, New Spaces
  • Christmas at Historic Houses Across America


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