Tag: NEXT Lab
Development Corporation of Abilene commits $2.9 million to ACU’s NEXT Lab facility expansion
At its July meeting, the Abilene City Council approved a $2.93 million incentive package that enables the Development Corporation of Abilene to enter into an agreement with Abilene Christian University’s Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Lab to expand its research and development facility at the former Taylor Elementary School site. “This project is an incredible opportunity … Continued
ACU’s NEXT Lab awarded infrastructure grant from Department of Energy
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) announced a grant of $367,793 to be used for infrastructure at ACU’s Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Lab. The funding will support the radiochemistry aspect of NEXT Lab – specifically, establishing new and unique real-time direct chemical analysis capabilities for molten salt systems. For 2021, NEUP … Continued
NEXT Lab student researcher awarded National Science Foundation fellowship
When Keaton Brewster graduates in May with a degree in physics and mathematics, he’ll be taking with him more than a diploma. A research proposal stemming from his work in ACU’s NEXT Lab has earned him a prestigious fellowship from the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowships Program. With his annual … Continued
NEXT Lab advances reliable nuclear energy
Energy and electricity topics are dominating conversations in Texas after residents spent a week battling a major winter storm. Abilene Christian University, along with two other Texas universities, is at the forefront of advancing nuclear technology to address problems plaguing traditional energy sources – including unpredictable weather. Nuclear is the most dependable form of … Continued
10 Questions with ACU trustee and energy expert Doug Robison
A thin volume of Galileo’s 1610 landmark treatise The Starry Messenger sits on a bookshelf at oil and gas executive Doug Robison’s Abilene home. Within its pages, the famous astronomer, who turned his telescope to the stars to provide firsthand observation that ours is a sun-centered solar system and not an Earth-centered one, describes … Continued
Love of chemistry, research combine to make NEXT Lab a perfect fit for ACU grad
Alli Mae (Bulkley ’20) Berry joined the team in ACU’s NEXT Lab as a research scientist just a month after graduating and five days before getting married. Despite the blur of life changes in such a short period of time, Berry jumped right into her work by learning the ins and outs of NEXT … Continued
Chemistry professor Pamplin puts his knowledge into practice in ACU’s NEXT Lab
In the fall of 2017, Dr. Kim Pamplin (’91) added another hat to the stack he already was wearing – that of senior chemist with ACU’s Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Laboratory or NEXT Lab, as it’s best known. Pamplin is a professor and former chair of chemistry and biochemistry, specializing in analytical chemistry. But the … Continued