Tag: Kim Pamplin
ACU’s NEXT Lab awarded infrastructure grant from Department of Energy for second year in a row
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) announced a grant of $292,770 to be used for infrastructure at ACU’s Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Lab, the second consecutive year for ACU to receive the grant. The funding will expand the radioactive materials characterization capability in the NEXT Lab. Specifically, it provides the … Continued
ACU’s NEXT Lab awarded infrastructure grant from Department of Energy
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) announced a grant of $367,793 to be used for infrastructure at ACU’s Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Lab. The funding will support the radiochemistry aspect of NEXT Lab – specifically, establishing new and unique real-time direct chemical analysis capabilities for molten salt systems. For 2021, NEUP … Continued