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The Historical Methods students work at the museum every Thursday to ensure each artifact is correctly identified.

Students help preserve campus history at ACU Museum

    Abilene Christian University has over a century’s worth of history, meaning that the ACU Museum, on the corner of Campus Court and East North 16th Street, has a plethora of artifacts in need of identification, labeling and appropriate display. In the Historical Methods course this fall, students are taking part in that process … Continued
Kathryn Barnard, history alumna

Alumna Katie Orman making history with experience design

When history major Katie (Barnard ’10) Orman was a sophomore at ACU, she decided she wanted to work in historical museums. For the next two years, she pursued that dream with the help of her professors, even creating her own film documentary for a military veterans’ museum. She learned oral interview methods, film editing, and … Continued