The Big Purple Marching Band is one of the oldest and most storied organizations on the ACU campus. It is a vital part of campus life, performing at Opening Assembly, football games, parades, in exhibition at invitational and UIL marching contests, concerts, and more. Each student receives a participation scholarship and one P.E. credit, and no audition is required. Rehearsals are held MWF on the “Stompin’ Grounds” behind the Williams Performing Arts Center.
The camaraderie among Big Purple Band members is legendary on campus, offering great social opportunities and friendships that last a lifetime, as well as the pride of performing in one of ACU’s best-loved music traditions.
I’ve been told that I won’t have time as a freshman to be in band and still make good grades. Is this true?
We could not exist if we demanded too much of your time. The band rehearses MWF, and has multiple weekends off during marching season. The truth about grades is this: if you don’t make good grades, it won’t be because of band commitments. Many times in the past, members of the band have been ACU valedictorians and salutatorians. Additionally, many members of the band each year receive generous scholarships and assistantships to graduate schools in their areas of study including music, business, psychology, mathematics, law, medicine and others.
Will I have time to participate in service and social activities outside of the band?
Members of the band participate in the Student Government Association, as RAs and other positions in Student Life, and many other leadership organizations . Members of the band participate fully in other campus activities such as Freshman Follies, Sing Song, Greek Life, mission trips, special courses and academics honor organizations, and many other related opportunities.
What if I’m not good enough to be in the Big Purple Marching Band?
Members come from every size school, homeschool, international students, and more with diverse levels of ability and experience, including students from military traditions and those with no marching experience as all!. If you can play your instrument, we can teach you the rest. We use “corps” style marching which can be learned quickly and easily. We welcome anyone who wishes to participate. There is no need to feel intimidated!
Is every weekend in the fall filled with activities?
The band performs at home football games (usually 5). When possible we march in a local parade, and will perform in exhibition at high school marching contests. Several open weekends allow you plenty of time to go home and visit friends and family, for academics, social activities, and more!
How can I become a member of the band? Are auditions necessary?
There is no audition for marching band, with the exception of color guard members (to assess experience level), and percussionists (to place members on the correct instruments). Enroll in MPEI-301.01 (non-credit), MPEI-311.01 (1 hour credit) or MPEI 210.01 (1 hour P.E. credit). The non-credit option allows you to be a member and it not count towards block tuition.
What if I’ve already registered and band is not on my schedule?
If you have already registered and have a conflict with the MW 11:15-11:45, and F 11:50-12:45 slot, we would be glad to work with you to make band possible in your schedule. In most instances, we can take care of the scheduling change for you. With freshman level courses, there are almost always additional sections available of the courses you need. If you don’t have a conflict, simply contact your advisor to add the course. (Remember to inform your advisor and our staff of your preferred enrollment option.)
How are grades assigned in band?
The grading policy is based almost exclusively on attendance and attitude. If you are at rehearsals and performances, it will be an easy A! If you are enrolled in one of the 1 credit sections, your grade counts toward your GPA. If you are enrolled in the 0 credit section, you receive a grade but it does not count towards your GPA.
Are scholarships still available for participating in band?
ALL members of the Big Purple receive the Marching Band Participation Scholarship automatically. And all members are eligible for additional money from the music department and you do NOT have to be a music major to receive departmental scholarship money!
Low Brass – Brandon Cheever, Anahi Romero, Steven Meyer
Battery Percussion – Creed Ezell
Front Ensemble Percussion – Megan Denton
Colorguard Captains – Kylie McLeod
Guard Groups
Big Purple Colorguard
Potential members should have at least one year of colorguard experience. Exceptions can be made on an individual basis, especially for those with experience in twirling, cheerleading or drill team.
Time Commitment
The colorguard is required to be present at all rehearsals and performances. The colorguard rehearses with the band three days a week and has a sectional once a week outside of the scheduled band time. Sectional days and times will be determined by the co-captains and members based on schedules.
Acuity Independent Winter Guard is an ACU performing ensemble of flags, rifles, sabers, and dance that competes in the North Texas Color Guard Association, and is dedicated to sharing Christian values and service with over 1000 different high school and college level color guards from the state of Texas.
Time Commitment The winter guard typically rehearses two days per week, beginning in December after marching season, through the beginning of April. The group competes in the Independent A class for the North Texas Color Guard Association. We typically attend four competitions in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.
Auditions A brief audition consisting of basic fundamentals of flag and rifle will be held during the fall semester before thanksgiving break.
Enrollment & Expectations Unlike color guard in the fall, winter guard is not a class. It is an extra curricular activity, but attendance is expected at all rehearsals and performances.