Application and Documentation
A student may qualify for Alpha Scholars (academic, housing, and/or meal plan accommodations) if she/he has a documented disability or can be reasonably regarded as being disabled.
A disability is legally defined as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Documentation for learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, and other “invisible” disabilities such as significant mental health conditions should be formal assessments and/or comprehensive clinical evaluations conducted by relevant, appropriately credentialed providers.
In some cases, ADD/ADHD can be sufficiently documented if the diagnosing physician will complete Alpha’s “Documentation of Attention Deficit Disorder” form (see below).
All documentation should be less than three years old, provide specific diagnoses and include scores and subscores of relevant assessment tools.
Documentation for Housing and Meal Plan Accommodation requests should also be within 3 years and directly address the accommodation being requested. Additional documentation may be requested by the program director.
Forms and Information
Applications for Accommodations
If you are an online/Dallas student, please click here.
Step 1: Fill out the appropriate Alpha Scholars Application for your needs. If you are requesting both types of accommodations, please complete both applications. They are brief:
Housing and Meal Plan Accommodations
More information about the Housing and Meal Plan accommodation process can be found by clicking here.
Additionally, please visit Resident Life’s page about the same topic by clicking here.
All the information on this page is required for a complete application packet, but to initiate the application process, students may also:
- Email to request an appointment or more information
- Visit Suite 124 in the Hardin Administration Building to request more information from a staff member
Step 2: Submit Supporting Documentation
- Guidelines for Documentation of Disability
- Documentation of ADD/ADHD
- Referral to ACU’s Psychology Clinic
The completed form and/or documentation can be sent to Alpha Scholars by any of the methods below:
- By mail to Alpha Scholars Program, ACU Box 29204, Abilene TX 79699
- By email to
- By fax to 325-674-6847
- If you are an online or Dallas student, please send documentation to
Step 3: Set up a meeting with Alpha Staff by emailing
Application for Accommodations Related to Pregnancy
Pursuant to the Department of Education’s (DOE) guidance implementing Title IX, the university does not discriminate against any student on the basis of pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions. While the university’s policies prohibit sexual activity outside of marriage, the university wants to support (and not punish) students who become pregnant regardless of marital status. Alpha Scholars and Title IX staff will walk alongside pregnant students and ensure they receive appropriate services.
In that regard, the university treats pregnancy, childbirth, and related conditions in the same manner and under the same policies as any other temporary condition that does or could “substantially limit one or more major life activities” in accordance with Title IX.
To request reasonable academic or housing accommodations for needs related to a disability, a temporary disability or pregnancy, please contact Alpha Scholars using the forms or methods above. Additional on and off-campus resources include:
The university also prevents and addresses sex-based harassment, including harassment based on pregnancy. If students experience this sort of treatment, they should seek help immediately with ACU’s Anti-Harassment Office. The law prohibits anyone from retaliating against students for filing a complaint or raising concerns.