Although COVID-19 precautions precluded the usual 2020 December Commencement ceremony, more than 250 ACU students completed course requirements and are official college graduates. They’ll be invited to return for the traditional pomp and circumstance in May. Congratulations to the newest Wildcat alumni!

Jessi Herrera
Hometown: Schertz, Texas (near San Antonio)
Major: Accounting with a minor in math
Extracurricular involvement: Delta Theta, W-Club, intramural sports
Why did you decide to attend ACU?
I really wanted to go to a smaller school, and I knew about ACU because my older sister attended. I really liked how its smaller classes gave students the opportunity to know the professor. The Christian aspect of ACU was very important when deciding which college to attend.
How would you describe your overall ACU experience?
I had a great experience at ACU. I have been able to meet so many new people and make a lot of lasting friendships. I also enjoyed that God was talked about in class as well. My experience at ACU has really helped me with my faith development and relationship with God by being able to openly talk about him with others. I have also enjoyed attending sporting events, Cabinet events and club activities. I learned so much and feel prepared to start my career.
In what ways have you been challenged?
I have been challenged to step out of my comfort zone since coming to ACU. Many of my classes had group projects, and I had to learn how to adapt and work with others towards the same goal. I learned how to lead through group projects and motivate my teammates. I was also challenged academically through various courses that required a lot of my time to study and fully comprehend the material. Through my time at ACU, I learned how to develop productive study habits to maintain my academic goals.
In what ways have you been supported?
My professors have been very supportive and encouraging with my plans regarding education. They also provided information about scholarships and internships, and offered long-term career advice. I have also received support from my club, Delta Theta. That has been such a great experience, and I have met people I can lean on and talk with when I need support.
What was your experience like within your department?
I have had an awesome experience in accounting. I loved the professors; they always were there when I needed help – which was pretty much all the time! Whenever I was stuck on a problem, I could always go to their office and receive assistance. I also enjoyed going to the Student Accounting Organization meetings where I got to learn about different accounting organizations and networking events.
How have you grown during your time in college?
I feel like I have become more confident in myself and my capabilities. I am more of an introvert, but I have really improved my communication skills with others. I have become very independent and goal oriented, and pushed myself to succeed. I’ve become a team player and have been able to work with others well. My faith has grown since I have been at ACU, and I have really felt close to God through participating in chapel, life groups and my church.
What are your plans after graduation?
I plan to complete my Master of Accountancy degree in May 2021. After that, I will begin taking CPA exams in the summer. I have accepted a job with Ernst & Young in San Antonio.
As you graduate, what advice would you give to future and current ACU students?
Get involved in different clubs and activities. That is the best way to build community and meet new people. Never be afraid to ask questions when you need help. I was nervous to ask questions during my first year at ACU, but it is always better to ask – even if you think your question may be trivial – and receive help than to be confused and frustrated.