Tag: Pre-Nursing

Pathways to Starting Your Nursing Career
Nursing is more than just a healthcare profession; it’s a calling that requires a particular type of individual, character, and level of skill. Beyond this, nursing is one of the most sought-after professions today in various areas, including hospice care, hospitals, clinics, and schools. And while the journey to becoming a nurse can seem daunting, … Continued
Faculty Spotlight: Pricilla Wyatt
For many people, identifying the career where they’ll feel most fulfilled is hard, difficult work. Others may never necessarily discover their vocation—their job is just a job. For some people, though, the work to which they are called is evident from the beginning. Dr. Pricilla Wyatt is one of those people. Learn how this professor … Continued
Why You Should Go Into Pre-Nursing
The last two years have proven that nurses are essential for keeping our world healthy. Being a nurse can be one of the most rewarding jobs around. And if you are someone who loves to help people and make a difference in their lives, pursuing a career in nursing will satisfy that need. Plus, nursing … Continued