Student Organizations and Greek Life

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Students taking a selfie together outside

Your passions stretch beyond your academic goals, and at ACU, your opportunities for involvement extend far outside of the classroom. The experience you gain, memories you form and relationships you build in club sports, honors societies and co- or extra-curricular student organizations will contribute to your long-lasting sense of belonging and purpose.

With 70+ student organizations, ACU’s vibrant student life empowers you to get involved and develop connections in the areas you value most.


Apply for New On Campus Organization

Apply for New ACU Online Organization

Find a Student Organization

Elevate Your Student Life Experiences

As an active student on campus, we value your insight into our student life experiences. We would love to hear from you. Select the organization and share your ideas with Student Life. Learn more at the button below on how to get started with suggesting a new student organization.*

*Only enrolled students are eligible for submitting their idea.

Female students showing the ACI wildcat sign

Contact Student Life

For more information regarding student organizations, student organization policies/procedures and steps to create a new organization, please contact:

Abilene Campus

Lauren Contreras, Director of Student Involvement

PJ Martinez, Associate Dean of Student Engagement

ACU Online
LaShae Grottis, Student Engagement Manager

ACU student organizations are open to all students, regardless of sex, except for those specifically identified as a Greek Organization. Student organizations may restrict members to students, faculty members or staff members of the university.

Student Organization at ACU