Internal Grants

Office of Research & Sponsored Programs

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Student Grants

ACU students may earn stipends for research or creative work conducted under the guidance of a faculty mentor as part of a grant from the Office of Undergraduate Research or the Honors College (at the buttons below). To be eligible for a research stipend, the student must make arrangements with a faculty member and be listed as a Research Assistant on that faculty member’s grant application. See below for specific requirements on faculty grant opportunities.
Undergraduate Research, Creativity and Innovation

Honors College

Faculty Grants

ACU offers a number of grant opportunities to faculty who do scholarly research or creative work. Faculty members may submit one internal grant proposal per year.

Cullen Grants

Cullen Grants are designed to provide summer support for faculty to pursue scholarly research or creative activity. Eligible faculty include all full-time faculty except for those in the Physical Sciences and Mathematics.

Math-Science Grants

Math-Science Grants are designed to provide summer support for faculty to pursue scholarly research or creative activity. Eligible faculty include all full-time faculty in the Physical Sciences and Mathematics.

SEED Awards

The SEED Award for Scholarly Excellence and Extramural Determination is a highly competitive grant designed to fund an investigator over 2 years in the conduct of studies aimed at providing preliminary data for an external funding application. The award requires the submission of an external application within 9 months following the end of the 2 year grant period.

Undergraduate Research Grants

The purpose of this grant is to encourage participation of undergraduate students in faculty-mentored summer research projects. Any faculty member may apply for student stipend support during both the semesters and summer, faculty summer stipends, course release, development fund and other research costs as part of the overall internal grants application process. Student stipends are at the following rates. For summer work: $400/week for a student working full time. $300/week for 3/4 time, $200/week for 1/2 time, and $100/week for 1/4 time. During the Fall/Spring semester up to $500/semester. Faculty summer stipends are at the rate of two summer courses: $6,000 for full professor, $5,500 for associate professor, and $5,000 for assistant professor.

URCI Student Travel Grants

These are travel funds for conference attendance.