Use of the Proposal Developer (though the extent of the services may vary depending on the investigator’s needs).
Submission of the external application
- within 9 months
- following the end of the 2 year grant period.
Investigators should work with the Developer to set up a timeline that allows the successful submission of the application.
Failure to submit the application will result in ineligibility for ACU internal grants for 3 years.
ACU will contract with a Proposal Developer for the job, unless the PI requests that we contract with a specific individual identified by the PI. The PI will need to justify the alternate developer.
Remaining funds may be used for
course release
This is at the rate of hiring an adjunct. This rate should be supported in the Chair’s memo. A proposed course release should be accompanied by a memo of support from the applicant’s department chair.
summer salary
This is at the rate of one summer course
- $3,000 for full professor
- $2750 for associate professor
- $2500 for assistant professor.
These are limited to essential and necessary materials or support directly connected with the research project. Ineligible expenses include clerical work, office supplies, telephone, computer equipment, and travel that is not essential to the conduct of the research, as these support services usually can be obtained from other resources.
participant costs
Every participant who receives a grant must agree to the ACU Intellectual Property Policy. The applicant agrees to certain rights and claims against copyrights and patents resulting from university support. Funds cannot be released to any grantee without this acknowledgement of the agreement. The Intellectual Property Policy may be found on the ORSP website.
Every grantee is assigned a budget for expenses if any are awarded. Salaries are paid through the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. All budgets must be cleared and accounted for by April 1 of each budget period (year 1 and year 2). Grantees without proper accounting forms are liable for the expenses incurred.
If the project involves research with human or animal subjects, IRB/IACUC approval must be obtained prior to conduct of the research.
Full-time tenure-track faculty members at the rank of assistant or above are eligible to apply.
Funds are awarded to the one proposal each year that demonstrates the greatest potential for success at applying for and obtaining external funding.
The Research Council considers the proposals submitted by the faculty and approves the one judged best according to the following criteria:
- Worth and value to the discipline, researcher, or the university.
- Clear goals, objectives, and outcomes.
- Use of sound, clearly explained methodology and procedures.
- Clear writing that is precise, detailed, and understandable to a lay audience.
- Likelihood of successful completion during the 2 year project period.
- Identification of potential external funding sources with a clear plan for how to prepare a submission. External funding applications must be submitted within 9 months following the end of the internal project period, and must be for amounts larger than $20,000 and allow for indirect cost collection.
- Competitiveness for external award
Projects should be completed during the 2 year project period and must produce an external funding application submission within 9 months following the end of the project period.
An interim report detailing the progress made toward goals is due by the end of the first year, and a final report further detailing the progress made and the application submitted/planned for submission is due at the end of the second year. If the application has not yet been submitted at the time of the final report, a memo should be provided at the time of its submission documenting completion of the grant requirements. The PI is not required to receive the external award, as this is largely out of our control and external funding is highly competitive.