Category: Campus News

NEXT Lab receives federal funding to partner with Idaho National Lab, MIT, Yale and others on research reactor
The NEXT Lab at Abilene Christian University has been awarded $150,000 in funding by the Department of Energy to partner with Idaho National Laboratory and several other universities on a new research reactor. The universities include Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale University, Colorado School of Mines, Georgia Tech University and Illinois Institute of Technology. … Continued
Onstead Science Center marks completion of Vision in Action
The Anthony Lobby of the Robert R. and Kay Onstead Science Center was packed Friday, Aug. 24, 2018, with members of the Abilene Christian University community to celebrate the facility’s grand opening. The occasion also marked the completion of the university’s Vision in Action initiative. “It is fitting that the final project for Vision … Continued
Tailgating 101: Tips for making the most of Gameday
The excitement of Wildcat football season is only a few weeks away, and for ACU fans this means the second year of an all-new on-campus Gameday experience, complete with Wildcat Country Tailgating. Some of the most spirited Wildcats during last season’s tailgating were ACU social clubs, whose tents dotted the Campus Mall area with … Continued
Grad student’s video project inspires foster parenting
Wendy Jones was scrolling through Facebook when she saw a familiar face on a video about the blessings of being foster parents. The familiar face was that of Jamie Bearden, associate director of admissions and student services for the Office of Graduate Programs at ACU, where Jones is chief human resources officer. She was so … Continued
Journalism student turns dream of photography business into reality
For many students, dreams of running a business are just that, dreams. Students think big but aren’t always sure how to go about the actual execution. But through hard work and many hours of photo shoots and editing, one student in particular has made this dream a reality. Lauren Franco, a convergence journalism major from … Continued
Day of Giving exceeds goal with more than 770 gifts
The ACU community successfully came together May 15 to #SupportWildcats for ACU’s second Day of Giving: ACU received more than 770 gifts, which surpassed our goal for the day. Thanks to matching funds provided for the day, gifts going toward students will total more than $216,000. Gifts for ACU’s first Day of Giving in … Continued
Two newest Fulbright Scholars ready for adventure
Lindsie Lawson and Mackenzie Sanderson will barely have time to celebrate graduation before it’s time to start packing for the exciting next adventures in their lives. The two ACU seniors made history when both received Fulbright Scholar Awards, the first time for two ACU students to receive the honor in the same year. The … Continued
Physics students, faculty participate in landmark research
“Surprising Result Shocks Scientists Studying Spin,” the headline from a Brookhaven National Laboratory news release shouted. What isn’t surprising or shocking is that five people associated with ACU were among the authors of a paper on that scientific finding that was published in the Physical Review Letters, which, according to ACU physics professor Dr. Rusty … Continued
Engineering, physics students work alongside world class scientists in summer research
Summers have been most unusual the last couple of years for ACU senior Caleb Hicks – and that’s one reason he chose ACU. Instead of enjoying the scenery in his hometown of Greeley, Colorado, Caleb has been conducting research, alongside world class scientists, at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago and the Los Alamos … Continued