Author: brian

Haitian graduate has big plans for his ACU education
Armed with a bachelor’s degree in biblical studies, a master of divinity, and minors in political science and business administration, Megeste Pierre (M.Div. ’18) is ready for just about anything he might be interested in. He’s interested in all those topics and has great plans for using them. Megeste, a native of Haiti, got his master … Continued
Day of Giving exceeds goal with more than 770 gifts
The ACU community successfully came together May 15 to #SupportWildcats for ACU’s second Day of Giving: ACU received more than 770 gifts, which surpassed our goal for the day. Thanks to matching funds provided for the day, gifts going toward students will total more than $216,000. Gifts for ACU’s first Day of Giving in … Continued
Haley brings advertising experience into the classroom
Having a great professor can change a student’s outlook on college. Joyce Haley, who teaches advertising in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, is that and more. Students love her spunky attitude and the way she brings an advertising agency feel to life in the classroom. In addition to teaching, she also serves as … Continued
Recent grad to teach in Kyrgyzstan as Fulbright Scholar
Thanks to help from ACU’s Office of Major Scholarships, Kyle Yarbrough (’13) was awarded a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Grant and will leave in September for a 10-month stay in Kyrgyzstan to teach in a secondary school. Kyle may be five years removed from ACU, but he learned those purple-and-white ties are never broken … Continued
Viral post turns into writing career for ‘Sacred Ground, Sticky Floors’ blogger
In one month, from August to September 2015, Jami (McKelvie ’96) Amerine saw her blog readership jump from an average of 69 views per month to 690,000. That is not a misprint. It is a an increase of 689,931 views. And it all happened thanks to one entry titled, “An Open Letter to My Children: You’re … Continued
Aquino’s love of teaching stems from love of learning
The irony of the last name isn’t lost on Dr. Fred Aquino. It’s pronounced “Aqueeno” and comes from the same root as “Aquinas,” as in Thomas Aquinas, the 13th century Dominican friar who heavily influenced Western thought and is regarded as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church. Both names derive from the town of … Continued
Two newest Fulbright Scholars ready for adventure
Lindsie Lawson and Mackenzie Sanderson will barely have time to celebrate graduation before it’s time to start packing for the exciting next adventures in their lives. The two ACU seniors made history when both received Fulbright Scholar Awards, the first time for two ACU students to receive the honor in the same year. The … Continued
Nil Santana | Assistant Professor of Art and Design, Director of Maker Lab
The integration of technology into the 21st-century classroom is an essential part of the ACU experience. However, for professors in ACU’s creative arts programs the use of technology requires – ironically – more creativity. Today, there is a sense of communal construction of knowledge. Students are not restricted to the walls of the classroom, nor … Continued
Childhood emergency with horse led to veterinary career
[aesop_image imgwidth=”100%” img=”https://mllcnzvqahci.i.optimole.com/cb:a79E.7a2e/w:auto/h:auto/q:mauto/f:best/https://www.acu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/GrimesJennifer_110322_9718.jpg” alt=”Jennifer Grimes” align=”center” lightbox=”on” caption=”Belton veterinarian Jennifer Grimes earned her Bachelor of Science in Animal Science from ACU and her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Health Sciences.” captionposition=”left” revealfx=”off” overlay_revealfx=”off”] When Jennifer Grimes (’03) was 14, one of her family’s quarter horses was stricken with colic and … Continued