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Dr. Jennifer Shewmaker, dean of the College of Education and Human Services

10 Questions with CEHS dean Dr. Jennifer Shewmaker

Dr. Jennifer (Wade ’92) Shewmaker, recently named dean of the College of Education and Human Services, believes the university is uniquely poised to take on the challenges facing higher education today. “I believe ACU has the flexibility and ingenuity to step into the future with hope and excitement,” she says. “Our mission is timely, and … Continued

Barna Group’s Bill Denzel on Christians Connecting Calling with Career

Bill Denzel is Vice President at Barna Group and the Executive Director of the Barna Vocation Project. Barna has a multi-year vision for studying vocation and providing data-driven resources to help people discover and activate their calling. Both Denzel and David Kinnaman, Barna’s President, are passionate about the concept of vocation—what we are called to … Continued


Exploring Christians at Work: Dr. Ben Ries on the Barna Group Study

A collaborative partnership between the Barna Group in Ventura, CA and Abilene Christian University has produced a new report titled Christians at Work. The first step in a multi-year initiative focused on vocation, this powerful study examines employed, self-identified Christians in the United States. The goal was to specifically explore vocational attitudes within the respondents’ … Continued

Teague: The changing of the watch

Published in People and Programs of the Past Decade, 1981-91, a review of the Teague administration accomplished at the end of his presidency in 1991 A mighty force of students has graduated from Abilene Christian University during the past decade. They are serving all over the world – many in leadership responsibilities. This is a remarkable … Continued

Teague: Hilltop Imagineer

The text of Dr. Cheryl M. Bacon’s profile of Dr. William J. Teague in the 2005 edition of The ACU Century. Bill Teague won the pizza and the halftime shoot-out one night during his presidency in a contest designed to encourage students to attend Wildcat basketball games. He occasionally took the floor during time-outs, or in … Continued

Renewing a Commitment: The inaugural address of president William J. Teague

The inaugural address of ACU’s ninth president, delivered Feb. 19, 1982 In our age, there is certainly no shortage of challenges. Our graduates are entering a world increasingly burdened with issues that call for constructive action – issues that seem to minimize the role of the individual. After all, how does one person deal with … Continued

Doctor of Nursing

Should You Pursue a DNP or a Ph.D. in Nursing?

Nursing professionals who wish to pursue the highest level of academic achievement in their chosen field typically choose between two prestigious degrees: the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) or the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Nursing. While these doctoral-level nursing degrees share much in common, there are also key differences in both the pursuit and … Continued


Student Spotlight: Leticia Ingram

To say that ACU alumna Leticia Ingram is a passionate advocate for education is the understatement of the year. In fact, this 2016 Colorado Teacher of the Year is one of just two teachers participating in The Aspen Institute National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development. The prestigious panel includes three governors, 28 researchers, … Continued

Doug and Angie Robison listen during Homecoming Chapel on Saturday, Oct. 13, 2018. Next to them are Doug's brother, Dan, and his wife, Pam. The Robison family are members of the Robison Excelsior Foundation, which has pledged $3.2 million to ACU's NEXT Lab.

NEXT Lab receives $3.2 million from Robison Excelsior Foundation

The Robison Excelsior Foundation has pledged $3.2 million to Abilene Christian University’s Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing (NEXT) Lab to address the world’s most critical needs of affordable and clean energy, pure and abundant water, and medical isotopes for diagnosing and treating cancer. This major gift brings the funding total for NEXT Lab research to date … Continued