On Mission with ACU

Students join in God’s Mission

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ACU student reading to a boy in Uganda

Wildcat Academics on Missions (WAM)

Wildcat Academics on Missions (WAM) combines students’ academic study with missional living around the globe. Participation in the trip is fully funded by generous donors who believe that “missions” does not need to be separate from an individual’s talents, training, and career.

WorldWide Witness (WWW)

WorldWide Witness prepares students for more extended experiences overseas where they work in groups of two or three for a period of 8-10 weeks.


God is at work

Below are three videos highlighting recent trips that ACU students have participated in while working for the Kingdom across the globe.

Click the images below to watch each video.

Hope Speaks

ACU Speech Pathology

Cambodia Christian Ministries

ACU WorldWide Witness

Londyn Gray (ACU Student)

Misión Para Cristo

ACU Engineering

Each year, the Halbert Center for Missions and Global Services sends students to carry the blessings of Christ out into the world.

If you would like to contribute to the work of the Halbert Center in helping students join in God’s mission, please consider giving to our programs.


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