Finance and Operations

Main Content

Senior Vice President of Operations: Kevin Campbell
Executive Assistant: Donna Seidensticker

Contact Information

  • Kevin Campbell Phone: 325-674-6552
  • Donna Seidensticker Phone: 325-674-6552
  • Mail: ACU Box 29120
    Abilene, Texas 79699


Mission Statement
Our ongoing mission is to ensure an outstanding campus experience and long term resource strategies to support ACU’s 21st Century Vision.

Finance and Operations Core Strategies

  • Support an exceptional daily living and learning experience for students.
  • Provide timely and accurate information that guides management decisions.
  • Lead long term resource planning that creates operational stability, flexibility and financial strength.
  • Minimize exposure to operational risks and ensure regulatory compliance.
  • Support ACU employees in the effective performance of their jobs.


RFP 2017-01 Addendum 1

PCard Program

Human Resources

ACU Police

Risk Management

University Procurement