Brenda Dillard (’91)
Los Angeles Field Office
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Redwood City, CA
B.A. in Political Science
A.A. in Biblical Studies
“The Jack Pope Fellows Program expanded my world with exposure to city managers, judges, politicians, theologians and Christians in leadership in all walks of life. Meeting those who give their lives professionally and personally to better our world gave me courage to step out on my own in public service. thnking for myself and thinking globally at the same time is an invaluable skill.”
Jeremy Haile (’97)
Legislative Fellow
Office of Congressman Lloyd Doggett
Washington, D.C.
B.A. in Political Science
“The Jack Pope Fellows Program made me think hard about what public service meant. Public service can mean working with needy people or it can mean working with policy makers in Washington. I don’t think one is better than the other. The important thing is the commitment to service. It’s easier to sustain that commitment when you’re surrounded by like-minded people and when you’re introduced to role models (such as Bob Hunter or Jack Pope) who give you confidence that you might actually affect change.”
Rachel L. Lamb (’92)
Supervisor, Audiology and Speech Pathology
St. Anthony Hospital Audiology Clinic
Oklahoma City, OK
B.A. in Communication Disorders
“As a Pope Fellow, I attended a conference at the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress and met regional and state political officials. These experiences, along with the curriculum and interactions with other Fellows, let me explore my field and other outside interests more fully across disciplines for learning opportunities. Pope Fellows helped me learn to look beyond my major and think across disciplines.”
Joshua Jackson (’10)
Pope Fellows Student
Wichita, KS
B.S. in Youth and Family Ministry
“I would highly recommend the Pope Fellows program, mainly because of the unique opportunities you will be presented with. You truly are able to make a difference in the lives of people and, more importantly, you will be impacted and influenced by a variety of people and places. If you have a heart for people, Pope Fellows will help you discern and express your compassion for others.”
Chelsea Thornton Buchholtz (’01)
Assistant General Counsel
Office of the Governor
Austin, TX
B.A. in Advertising/Public Relations
“The program brought me into an academic circle that challenged me and opened my mind. I believe I am a better thinker and communicator because of the program. I also am more tolerant of the differing views of others. In today’s world, and specifically in public service, I believe it is important to have conviction and the ability to articulate it, while also accepting an individual who has differing convictions.”
Tim Martin (’92)
M.D. in Family Practice
Abilene, TX
B.S. in Biology
“I was taking a lot of classes in biology and chemistry, but had many interests in other fields. Being a Pope Fellow gave me the opportunity to explore fields other than just my major. The current medical-political environment is fascinating and will affect us all. I am better prepared to begin to understand some of the nuances and back issues, thanks to my studies as a Pope Fellow.”
Elizabeth Alvarez (’05)
Attorney, Central Dallas Ministries
Dallas, TX
B.A. in Political Science/International Relations and Comparative Politics
“My experience in Jack Pope Fellows was incredibly rewarding. the background in Public Administration and the history of government systems was incredibly helpful as I served in the Students’ Association Congress, and especially when I served as its chief development officer. But the enrichment didn’t stop there. Now as I start my career as a public-interest lawyer, there are so many ways Jack Pope Fellows has helped me I couldn’t possibly name them all!”
Joel Nichols (’95)
Associate Professor of Law
University of St. Thomas School of Law
Minneapolis, MN
B.A. in English Interdisciplinary Studies
“Pope Fellows gave a set of interdisciplinary academic tools that enabled me to succeed in graduate school, and strengthened my sense of calling to serve others. It is my deep desire to serve God by working daily to make a real difference in people’s lives, and the Pope Fellows program helped prepare me to do that – by helping instill a vision of service, by requiring a varied curriculum, and by providing practical opportunities for public service even while in school.”