It was the university’s innovative approach to technology that originally drew Zach Higgins (’13) to enroll at ACU. But it was his experience with faculty in the School of Information Technology and Computing that made him realize he was in the right place.
“Most of my friends at larger universities always complained of having to go through a teaching assistant to get questions answered. Not at ACU,” he says. “The faculty are here for the students. At ACU, we get exposure to tools and software that aren’t available to every student at every college. But more importantly, the faculty infuses faith into their material.”
While at ACU, Zach served an internship with insurance giant USAA, a company with a strong track record of hiring College of Business Administration grads. Now, he works as a software developer and integrator for the company and believes his ACU experience set him up for success.
“Everything I learned from my core professors in SITC was immediately applicable to the business world,” he says.