Information Services
Information Services advances the collection and interpretation of scholarly and professional information resources for reading, research, and writing.
We support faculty, staff, students, and alumni through provision of information resources and instructional services that provide opportunities for comprehensive learning to strengthen critical thinking and information retrieval skills, building a foundation for self-directed and lifelong learning.
Special Collections and Center for Restoration Studies
Callie Faye Milliken Special Collections of the Margarett and Herman Brown Library preserves those materials that, because of subject coverage, rarity, source, condition, or form, are best handled separately from the main circulating collection. The Center for Restoration Studies advances scholarship related to the Stone-Campbell Movement.
Learning Studio
Support students through services, programs, and spaces to develop digital competencies in media authoring, design, and collaborative problem-solving. Enable faculty through services, programs, and spaces to develop skills and confidence in teaching with media, design, web, and collaborative competencies. Lead and collaborate on campus strategic initiatives that forward the academic mission and reputation of the university.
Innovation Foundry
A teamwork and technology hub – We inspire collaborative innovation through support for challenge-based projects and other social ventures. iF empowers the ACU community in leveraging technology to solve real-world problems and equip them with digital skills for the future. We can help you discover data, design solutions, and deploy web-based content. iF seeks to increase the reach and resilience of our partners’ research and creative inquiry.
Maker Lab
A 7,000 square foot design and fabrication space on the campus of Abilene Christian University located in the Brown Library, the Maker Lab is open to all ACU students, faculty and staff, as well as our neighbors in Abilene and surrounding communities. Our ongoing mission is to provide tools, training, support and inspiration while promoting creativity, innovation and design thinking through unique experiential learning opportunities.
ACU Press
ACU Press began more than thirty-five years ago when James Fullbright acquired the publishing rights of Biblical Research Press, which had been developed by retired ACU professor J. D. Thomas. The earliest goal was to create publications that would support churches and advance scholarship among Churches of Christ. In its first twenty years, the Press published more than seventy-five titles with an average of almost four books per year.
The Press operates its own warehouse and offers substantial discounts to churches and ministry groups. Its books are also widely available—sold at brick and mortar stores worldwide, on Amazon, as well as other online vendors.
Landon Saunders Center for Joy and Human Flourishing
The Landon Saunders Center for Joy and Human Flourishing at Abilene Christian University is dedicated to exploring and promoting the essential elements of a joyful and fulfilling life, inspired by the lifelong work and vision of Landon Saunders. We believe that joy and human flourishing are achievable states that can be cultivated through intentional practices, meaningful relationships, and a deeper understanding of the most important questions humans can ask.